Taking the terms Congress and BJP Seniors in the same line is a rather painful aspect when a story has to be made. But there is no other way to do it because the obvious has to be stated repeatedly because some people might not realize what they are doing. The Great Indian Political Philosopher to walk the planet stated “Power is poison”, but usually the truth is quite opposite of what is stated by this great man. Power is not poison but it a kind of addiction. We have seem many times that people cling onto power through legitimate or other means but they try every possible trick to hold onto power for as long as possible.
Retiring in a graceful manner seems to be a long forgotten collective behaviour of the Indian Politicians. The Sanyasa Ashrama is almost extinct and the Ashrama Sanyasis are coming into political aspects of our society. This inversion of the society is possibly due to the factions that get created within a society due to stagnation of power in the hands of certain people. To break the deadlock, a person who does not belong to any faction or the person who belongs to all factions, a Sanyasi is being roped into the politics. As long as the people in power continue to cling onto power, we can see the increasing influence of various kinds of Sanyasis.
What is happening to the seniors of the BJP is a strange phenomenon? Most of the top leadership have been from the ABVP, RSS or other organizations. Having worked or volunteered selflessly for many years people have moved higher echelons or have been the creators of the power structures and have made the BJP what it is on this day. It is impossible to imagine the BJP without the current seniors of the party. The tremendous growth of the party in the modern times should have made the senior member proud of their achievement and should have happily given way to the youngsters for taking the organization forward. But Power being addiction, people are not happy to give way.
At the other end of this Power is Addiction spectrum, we have the Congress where they are forcing a particular family to be at the top because the family is rootless and has no capability to win on its. The power of the family is to allow unlimited loot while getting some portion of loot. The wheelers and dealers of the nation have to depend on the family for their survival. If there is no family, then the quarrels among the various factions would be too large and the competition for the same set of voters would implode the party. Na rahega party, Na rahegi PARTY. For BJP it is Sanyasis and for the Congress it is the family.
The BJP seniors and the Congress party are forgetting the same thing. Different sets of people are grateful to them for their efforts in the past but they are past the utility in the modern times and they need to give way. But the truth is not being realized and thus making the living of everyone miserable. The longer they cling onto power the difficult it would become for their followers to move forward. If a leaf does not fall off from the tree, then time will not allow it and what is not useful for the tree will never stay and the inevitable is bound to happen one way or the other. Old has to give way for the new for better or worse.
It is more important to have grace in leaving as much as entering because our position and presence is not only because of our own individual efforts but the collective efforts of a lot of people. It is always important and necessary to pass the mantle to the deserving or to promote as many better people so that what was started will grow stronger in the future. The Congress and BJP are essential parts of the Indian democracy but the culture of Congress has become an anathema to the culture of the nation in a major way but the Culture of BJP is still good for the nation nd hence BJP should get the chance to take the nation forward for some more time.
There are only limited seats at the table and having reached the table with sheer dint of hard work, the BJP Seniors should take pride in gracefully retiring. The Congress for its part should become extinct in this current avatar.
Picture Credit: Wiki