A lot of commentators have analyzed the performance of the Modi government in a positive, negative way and in all possible ways. Some commentators have been scaremongering that 2019 elections as a civilisational battle and if Modi does not come back to power then Hindus are doomed. Others are telling that the non-BJP parties are salivating at the growing Indian economy and would wipe out the wealth created by the hard work of BJP and the Indians would be losers. Some other commentators have talked about security, gas, electricity, bank accounts, health schemes, farmer benefits and what not in the name of Modi and claimed that Modi should get the second chance. But there is always a different way to look at things.
At a personal level, I am a Modi fan, his critic and hence not a blind Bhakth. I am Modi’s critic for his failures in resolving the Ram Temple issue and other CORE issues that are going to become very critical in the next decade. A stitch in times saves nine. Make hay while the sun shines. The wise men have told these statements because of their experience and yet we feel that we have to do things for our survival in this moment only. A number of issues have not been considered by the current government and if people have to vote based on failure of Modi in addressing these failed issues then definitely Modi would lose power at the centre. A few issues that have been taken up by Modi are not in true spirit of the governance ethics of any self respecting government such as bending backward to appease the Church and Meat mafia. If people vote based only on these issues then Modi would definitely lose and people will go ahead with their life till the next election cycle which may happen because of riots or the end of the term of a government.
Indian voter has always been forgiving and over time have not matured enough to see the truth. The lack of maturity of the Indian voter is evident from the election results of a few states where BJP lost for a variety of issues. Inspite of doing a lot of good work the BJP lost and inspite of doing humungous corruption Congress came back to power. The traditional Indian voter’s mind is full of caste feelings, religious feelings, regional feelings, greedy feelings together with a host of other divisional feelings. These feelings are usually filled into the minds of the people by various agents of the nation such as politicians, media, teachers, etc. The end result of all of these feelings is the disunity among the large sections of the citizens of this country. Even today there is no unity among the Indians because we are coached to be separate and are happy fighting with one another.
Happiness and Sufferings are great unifiers; it breaks the walls of separation. To understand how Modi has unified large sections of this society it is important to know how Modi made this country to suffer due to his fascist decisions and also made this country happy with his actions. When we talk of national suffering, his election victory has been a pain for many individuals. For simple humans suffering of enemies will give solace and this made sections of intellectuals happy and have brought them closer to fight together. The true national suffering caused by Modi would be the Demonetization exercise and every ordinary citizen has been made to undergo the over deal with various ideas in their minds. Some happily enjoyed while a lot of others wailed in pain much to the amusement of the others. The Demonetization exercise has been one of the biggest unifiers of the citizens because most of the Indians were sure that Moneybags and corrupt would suffer but not many knew exactly how but they were all very sure. The sense of surety kept many happy and the pain was quickly forgotten. In the years to come, when we see reduced crime naxal belt, Kashmir we shall realize the effectiveness of the exercise.
The happiest moment for large sections of Indians was the declaration of Surgical strike conducted by Modi ki Sena against the terrorists of Pakistan. Even before the people stopped celebration of Surgical strike, the Balakot double dhamaka brought even the fence sitters into the celebrations of national unity. The fight back against the enemy is always a great unifier and people have really felt that the current government shall fight back and tell them that blows to Pak have been delivered. When people were happy, the release of Abhinandan has proved one more time that India is leagues ahead of Pakistan and comparison of India and Pak is like comparing Cows and Pigs.
Many other smaller celebrations were due to the various schemes that benefitted various sections of people. There is nothing more a government could have done with the state of economy that has been inherited in May 2014 and many people are slowly realizing these facts. Not one section of the society was left out and the tax rebate, medicines, reservations, etc should make every single individual happy one way or other. The icing on the cake must be the organizing of the Kumbh Mela without any major untoward incident. The lack of any pro-Hindu agenda is covered up in some measure with this event but the absolute failures still remain as pestering wounds.
One thing the citizens should realize that the government has made sure the executive arm of the constitution is mended to some extent and the legislature is working in a great way with Modi at the helm. Failures of Modi in various areas are partly due to government’s lack of political will and partly due to the arrogant Judiciary. Mending the Judiciary to work in a sane manner is a humungous task and jailing of corrupt people, the Hindutva issues and rule of law are all hampered and slowed partly due the great Indian Banana Judiciary. Only a strong leader can force the judiciary to get to the talking table and make them work in the interests of the nation. Modi has made the world to talk sensibly in matters of Pakistani terrorists to some extent and more time needs to be given to Modi.
Making the Judiciary see sense in the interests of our nation can be done only by a selfless leader like Modi and thus for this possibility alone Modi deserves a second term. We can be sure that there shall be some suffering for the greater good of the nation and there shall be more moments of happiness but for this happen we should have Chowkidar Modi
Picture Credit: India TV