In 2019 election campaign, the funeral procession of dynasty is moving ahead with in full pomp and the supporters of dynasty are beating their chests and breaking their secular bangles. Many slaves of the dynasty and beneficiaries are moaning in secular pain which can be heard by the communal Hindutva guys and are enjoying the sounds. Even though it is sadistic to enjoy the troubles of others, it is worth every bit in secular currency because these supporters of the dynasty have shackled the thoughts of the nation for close to three quarters of a century.
Who are these slaves that are moaning in pain and who are the supporters that are breaking their bangles and beating their chests? The prestitutes among the journalists are the ones breaking their bangles and the alleged pseudo intellectuals and fake gyan spreaders are beating their chests in the hope that sympathy will befall on their masters and their lives will continue as usual in luxury. Their pain is most obvious to everyone interested in the affairs of this country and their professional credibility is at rock bottom. No honest soul of this nation is paying neither attention nor giving sympathy to their pains.
The identity of the real slaves of the Dynasty is the most shocking of all. But to come to this conclusion is circumstantial but it is more obvious than the fact that the milk is white or sun rises in the east. While the truth is that sun does not rise nor fall and the colour of milk is because of the light it is reflecting, the slaves of the Dynasty are not Slaves in the simple way we imagine but there is a hidden science behind it which is more important to understand to realize their slavish nature.
The Dynasties of Indian politics represent nepotism, favouritism, short sightedness and aspirations of particular families which are then pushed down the throats of the citizens of their fiefdoms. The nature of the dynasty is anti-democracy and this fact is never challenged and the members of the dynasties are never punished for their innumerable crimes against the citizenry in a secular miracle in itself. Who in the constitutional scheme of things is stopping the persecution of members of the Dynasty for their crimes will reveal the real truth.
The most obvious answer is the “BANANA JUDICIARY” which has lost its moral high ground when they surrendered to the whims of a bitch boy of the Dynasty. The boy told the Bananas to stop hearing a particular case until a particular scenario and the slaves have taken the words of their masters very sincerely even while portraying that they are the masters of their domain. There is not a single sign of honesty among the Bananas that they are doing the job entrusted to them by the citizens and all the time the Bananas are doing the bidding of their masters i.e., Dynasty.
It is time people realize that the Banana Judiciary is a slave to the Dynasty and treat it as such until it realizes that the citizens are its masters. The proof of this will clear the day when the Banana Judiciary will take up the issues concerning the devout Hindus of this nation with the seriousness that it necessiciates. The wishes of the 20% of devout Hindus is trampled by the Banana Judiciary just because there will not be any threat to their lives is a mockery of the constitution and is not considered as Constitutional Immorality.
It is time people realize that once a Slave begins to feel sympathy to their masters, there is no possibility to correction. Hence it becomes more important to realize that there should be neither sympathy nor respect for a slave to Dynasty in a Democracy. Respect is only for the Citizens who work to uphold the Constitution and change it to suit the demands of the time and not some immoral bitch boys sipping wine at the feet of the dynasty preaching constitutional immorality to the citizenry.