Human Right activist have never stood for Men in Uniform. They are keep their eyes closed when defence force is targeted with stones and landmines. Be it internal disturbance or external, their only job as painted by their own act is stand by anti-national.
UAPA is a timely tool to act against individuals and organisations who in any form support terrorism.
Home Minister Shri Amit Shah is very assertive and recent development in Kashmir are a step in the same direction. This time around the Home Ministry and I & B needs to be proactive. We have Pak friendly media. They need to be warned and kept under vigil.
A person who wanted to demolish every symbol of democracy has sent a SOS.
The silence of government was taken as weakness. Today all roads are closed. Some political leaders are running from pillar to post to get a first hand information of the scene to unfold. Someone on twitter rightly said barring few people in government no one knows what is in store. I would like to add a point here. Even if the government is attending to the security threat from terrorist launch pads across the border and saferty of Amrnath yatra pilgrims, the mood of the nation has rightly taken a different twist. एक teer २ निशाने. Now the nation wants the government to settle the score, fix the problem of terrorism as this is the best time for achieving desired result and also resettle Kashmiri Pandits.
Forget about people like Geelani, even the ones who run political party have time and again spoken the language of separatists. During Uttrakhand flood few years back a print media may have gone overboard in putting the headline as Modi the Rambo but today the nation wants Modi and Amit Shah duo to eliminate each and every mole who thinks that there is a need to raise SOS alarm.
If anyone has a right to raise SOS then it is only the citizens who are living in Exile in their country, family of Men in Uniform and citizens of India who have suffered at the hands of these pro Pakistan voices living on our tax money.
Today the citizens of India wants to send a SOS to our elected government to invoke all possible constitutional options, so that Kashmiri Pandits exile is brought to an end, martyrs sacrifice is avenged and everyone enjoys the same legal opportunities in the valley that we enjoy in rest of India (buying land in J & K, doing biz., etc).
And most importantly Pro Pakistan people get a message that whether your are an Indian citizen treated with kids gloves for three decades, or a political party enjoying leniency of Election Commission or a media person taking undue advantage of FoS and FoE…… there is a expiry date to everything that is anti-national.
Picture Credit: Screenshots from Twitter