Today three brave and wise men that have got their name written in the list “Men of Millennium”.
It takes extra ordinary efforts, determination, patience and love towards Maa Bharti to achieve this great feat. Yes it is backed up by support of thousands of men in uniform, their families and blessings of crores of nationalist who are loyal to nationalist only.
Long back an article was written by Vijendra (@SPHEREHEADSAYS ) Bhatt on the first Man of Millennium – Hutatma Tukaram Omble of Mumbai Police for catching Kasab alive.

Painting Hindus in bad light to earn brownie points from minorities and achieve political mileage has been the short cut route of many political parties. Brave Omble presence of mind and sacrifice was the first turning point to save Hindus the humiliation. The entire game plan of many in Pakistan and their sympathisers here was defeated.

370 and 35A were forced cancer. Sheer misuse of it by PDP and NC was blatant and so much so that barring their own personal gain they were least bothered about the Kashmiris. The pathetic condition of the citizens in the state is there for all to see. The threats from these selfish political parties who misused the power to extract everything in return for peace is at display even now.
None ever thought that removing 30 and 35A was possible. Though the demand continued and BJP kept it as core agenda in their manifesto. It takes very meticulous planning backed up by very complex logistics in short span and managing emotions of Right Wingers who kept on building pressure without knowing what was being planned.
Media and Human Rights never think and take up causes for the law abiding citizens. Hope the stone pelters join mainstream. There is no other avenue.

Lacs of Kashmiri Pandits who I think would have given up hope of returning to their home land. Many living in uncivil condition in own country. Lacs of Defence Personnel who are capable of doing everything impossible but helpless because of lack of spine of political masters. And even the Pakistani establishment along with US President Mr. Trump, none expected that one day they are up for a big surprise.

Last but not the least some media people who have their moral compass pointing always against the nation and love to share sensitive information as breaking news, had to be kept at bay.

Pakistan voices had to be shown their place. They had to be exposed and moved out of valley. The plan was being executed flawlessly.
PM Shri Narendra Modi and Home Minister Shri Amit Shah have done the impossible without firing a single bullet. They have shown how politics can be done to achieve genuine milestone. Their names are entered in the list of Men of Millennium.

In the midst of all the celebration one person who deserve standing ovation is NSA Shri Ajit Doval.
PM has responded fittingly to consistent taunts on SM like “… we gave 303 now do your bit”. Nation expresses their gratitude.
KP exodus and sacrifice of Men in Uniform is avenged. Nation now looks forward to a peaceful, prosperous and powerful Kashmir.
Picture Credit: Screenshots from Twitter and Wiki