The single biggest achievement of Modi-Shah due is the Unmasking the traits of a lot of individuals. Most of the Indians have revealed their political ideology one way or the other in the social media. Those who are holding their ideologies close to their heart and putting on a mask of neutrality will do so when more LAWS are passed by this government. The laws can be economic or religious.

While the double face of some in Muslim community has been thoroughly exposed by the CAA, the skulduggery of the Hindus is what is truly unbelievable. The youth who have appeared on various videos appear to be WOKE Hindu kids who have no sense of history and are willingly walking the secular path to be accepted by their WOKE peers.

The SHEROS and their mother in law have really the jokers of the entire drama. But the efforts of the mother in law of the jihadi brides should be appreciated because nothing will deter this mother in law of the jihadis from continuing her good work for the ONE true DOG. This mother in law is really made of some special spirit which seems to be stronger the spirit of Hindutva.

The Modi-Shah duo have saved 50% of headache by the child abusing padres by including persecuted Christians in their divisive list as part of the CAA. This has taken an opportunity for the child abusing padres from defaming India in the most sophisticated manner. Not one bigot of the child abusing padre community nor their intellectual cohorts have raised voice against damage to the property belonging to the poor.

For these child abusers, their places alone are sacred and rest are all to be seized one day or the other. I hope the Indian children in their custody are not abused higher as they couldn’t indulge in the orgy of destruction of India. Pity the padres who had to still tight fiddling their thumbs as the India is burnt by their brothers.

Most citizens did not bother much except for the worry about the loss of their property and had help rallies in support of the act in the hope that the government wakes up and protects their property – private as well as public. The most saddening part is the protesting dumb kids on the streets and some uncles and aunties in the scene of the protests. These dumb citizens and some aliens are trying to climb the moral ground and want to be the next Greta Preta.

The good thing is that many citizens have really seen the masks fall off for once and the question remains is whether the people remember the true ugly faces of these people. Will the transactions return to normalcy or will there be a social boycott against the traitors who have destroyed the public property over aliens’ rights.

Picture Credit: Ashutosh Sonwani
