Time to create and share SOP to Prevent Violent Protests as Proactive Measure
Status of Kashmir after removal of Art 370 has changed for good. Yes there are some teething problem but that would be taken care over a period of time. Over ground supporters are loosing ground. There is no support to Pakistan even from United Nations, thanks to hard work of NaMo and his team (not to forget contribution of Late Smt Sushma Swaraj and Latte Shri Arun Jaitley)
The issue in Kashmir may appear resolved on paper and to a large extent in reality as well but the government has no time to sit idle. One major problem that has emerged from Kashmir is Stone Pelting model has found place in rest of India. People who can’t breathe without creating problem have identified this weapon as useful tool to create unrest. Recent violence in BJP ruled states is Copy Paste of Kashmir model. Children and Women form first line of defence to protect the criminals. Be it residential areas or a university, the approach is same.
This has become a time tested formula for some political parties and anti Modi brigade who want to settle their scores with Modi and Hindus. Going forward central government should take proactive steps to keep such violent protests at bay.
While new laws are not required, there is an urgent need to combine couple of existing law and use them against the existent violent rioters so that it act as a deterrent in future. There are lot of learning as well. The biggest learning is that even after very clear evidence from CCTV and Drone, secular activists, liberals, actors, political parties and most importantly anti Modi and Anti Hindu journalists are openly writing and airing content as if violent protestors were hitting the road to shower flowers and petals on law abiding citizens and Men in Uniform.
Though police is under state government but central government is equally responsible for law and order in states and in Delhi the police is under it. Central government should make a SOP to be followed by state government in case of violent protests.
CAA is not the end of manifesto and reforms agenda. Losses are inbuilt and calculated in business strategy, so should violent protest be envisaged after every bill is proposed and passed.
A proactive approach would be invoking NSA against all habitual trouble makers (part time activists, celebrity who come occasionally to divide society, NGOs who have breaking India agenda, self declared intellectuals, fake historians, peddlers of fake and biased news, etc). Equip police and intelligence agency with state of art technology (software, hardware, drones, data mining of criminals – 1st time, 2nd time etc and type of crimes etc, body and vehicle camera, etc).
Prevent news channel from running prime time debates and kangaroo court on any unrest. The only permission should be to air and write news as it is with simple headlines and sub headlines.
Kashmiri Pandit are still in plains and have no idea when they will return to their homes, they have not picked up gun. Over excited so called journalists of radia fame, army coup, school headmaster story and their friends in show business want #CAA to be reversed.

How can these people claim to be representatives of fourth pillar, they are weakening it by openly challenging the law enforcement agencies. State and Central government has no right to arrest only protestors if it can’t take action against the big names. One Nation, One Flag. What about One Law for weak and powerful.
Keeping in mind fake identity cards with protestors in Delhi, Central government and state government should ensure that all college and university campus have RFID cards issued to students, faculty and all kind of visitors in premises. District police should have data of all regular and occasional visitors of each college.
Any student not abiding by the college guideline should be rusticated. Discipline can’t be negotiated.
Parents should be sent a reminder notice about repercussion if their ward is caught indulging in violent and or anti India protest.

Media professional and activists should be given police uniform to cover violent protest. This will be an excellent research on understanding psychology of men in uniform and accordingly a strategy can be created to hear human rights violation cases.
The government has shown josh in teaching lesson to Pakistan. Number of naxal effected district have also reduced drastically under NDA 2. The only disconnect is containing urban naxals and ISI loving citizens on our soil. Citizens who have watched NaMo in last six years would know that he has his own timeline for all big and small milestone. I would still insist that citizens are running short of patience now. Will NDA 2 honour law abiding citizens Man Ki Baat? Next six months will speak.
Picture Credit: Screenshots from Twitter. Thanks to all tweeples, Republic TV, UP Police.