In an imaginary world, after a hectic campaigning in the recently concluded elections, one fine morning Modi was done his Surya Namaskar to strengthen himself to withstand the Danda of Pappu. Shah was sipping his Chai nearby and SphereHead was eagerly waiting for Modi to come so that they can have a small Chai Pe Charcha. SphereHead walked to Shah in the hope of getting a few answers from him while they were waiting for Modi.
SphereHead: Good morning Sir
Shah: Who are you?
SphereHead: I am a citizen, and wanted to ask you a few questions.
Shah: We will definitely implement NRC and NPR. We will build the Ram temple and all the election promises will be fulfilled. Not many agenda items are left out.
SphereHead: I know about your election promises but this time I came with something else in mind.
Shah: What is that??
SphereHead: Don’t you think that people are seeing the state elections and national elections in different manner?
Shah: Elections are elections and we will fight on Development Agenda. And I haven’t lost …. Leave it. We will always fight on Vikas agenda.
SphereHead: You are giving too much importance to echo chamber noises but it is not the case that you believe them. But continuous background noises will sometimes get into your head. You are a great Home Minister and a BJP Karyakarta and there are no doubts about it.
Shah: It is better you come to the matter.
SphereHead: OK. Don’t you feel that the media has taken up the role of propaganda machinery and is spreading chaos and you have absolutely no control over it?
Shah: Everything is in control. We have solved Kashmir issue, we have solved Bru-Reang issue and we have solved a host of other issue without media’s knowledge. Let them have their share of chaos so that they too can survive.
SphereHead: Does it means that you are allowing certain amount of chaos to persist so that you can continue with your other serious works?
Shah: It is not like that bhaiyya, you do not understand the point. Let me explain. Did media come to know about the tasks we were undertaking until we have declared?
SphereHead: No.
Shah: So, who is in control?
SphereHead: Media.
Shah: If you think like that then we cannot help.
SphereHead: Right from the church attacks, to a random muslim guys getting killed in local fights up to the susu kumar’s issue you could not control the narrative. The government appeared to be on the back foot and kept on doing the fire fighting.
Shah: Are bhayya, this is what I said. The fire fighting can happen only after there is fire. We cannot start fire and then do firefighting, that is the methods of other parties. We are for Vikas.
SphereHead: You think that media is playing its role in the democracy in the manner it was supposed?
Shah: If I put some restriction, then you say I am throttling the voices and if do not then you say that I am permitting chaos. I cannot do what everyone wants. I have a mandate as a Home Minister and I will deliver on that.
SphereHead: So, you will not act on the media’s fake news propaganda?
Shah: No. Media is only supplying what the people want. If people want chaos, then media will supply it.
SphereHead: Is it not the duty of the government to educate the people about the truth?
Shah: Government is there to deliver on its mandate and we have not been elected to stop the media chaos as of now. In the future if we put it as an agenda item, then we will do something about it.
SphereHead: People are angry that your media management is very bad.
Shah: Who are these people? These are the very same people who will hold banners and say unconstitutional words for us.
SphereHead: There is a small minority of people who want some control or regulation regarding the propaganda of the news channels.
Shah: As long as the business is done in a legal manner, we cannot stop it. People can act collectively. Government cannot indulge in any private business or private person’s life.
SphereHead: Government should not involve in private business or private person’s life.
Shah: Yes.
Modi: Arre Amit bhai, you got trapped …..
Shah: No Modi bhai, I am very clear in my answers.
Modi: The next question he will ask is why are you taking over temples and nationalizing private educational capacity in the name governance, when the government is known for its corruption.
Shah: Modi, how are these two things related. He was talking about media and then how can anyone suddenly bring in education and temples into the discussion.
Modi: This fellow is not a liberal nor boxer nor a supporter of Gandhians with guns nor is he a supporter of the secularism. He is Bhakt that too a Pant wala Sanghi.
SphereHead: Good morning Sir.
Shah: You know him.
Modi: I had talked to him a couple of times in the past and he seems to have trapped you. Let me save you Amith Bhai. We will discuss party and governance matters afterwards.
Shah: Ok Modi Bhai, Namaste.
SphereHead: Why are you taking over temples?
Modi: We have made a trust for Ayodhya with people from different walks of life and it can become a template for management of temples. Hopefully people will realize it.
SphereHead: Cannot you pass a legislation?
Modi: There is no need for further legislation as the constitution guarantees the religious freedom to every individual.
SphereHead: But Hindus are not able to enjoy these freedoms.
Modi: It is because of the infighting among the Hindus. The government cannot do anything about it, when the citizens cannot sit and have a debate. People are approaching the courts for some finality in all matters when there are learned scholars in various mathas.
SphereHead: Can their words be implemented?
Modi: Can the court’s verdict be implemented? Not in all cases and the courts have a mind of their own and they see constitution in a different manner and citizens are seeing it in a different manner. As long as the courts see in a manner different from the people, approaching the courts over these matters will bring more problems to the citizens. There should be some dispute resolution methods.
SphereHead: So, Hindus should have parallel religious courts?
Modi: No, Hindus should keep their bloated egos aside first and then talk to one another to solve the issue. But ego of being a bigger moron in most cases has spoiled the unity within the community. The mediator is now a court who is secular by nature and is out of sync with the community. The ideals and idols of judiciary donot match with those of ordinary Hindus. The modern-day mediator wants to transform the society beyond recognition using essential practices test and nothing is actually essential. Hopefully that doctrine will be junked. Ayyappa Saranam.
SphereHead: Why cannot the government directly intervene and give relief to the Hindus from the Tyranny of the Black Coats.
Modi: Government cannot be a direct party to any religious issues unless there is a secular concern. Hindus themselves have to fight it out in the courts. The minorities have achieved all the favours through the courts in many cases and some protection through constitutional amendments. Hindus have to start to fight their own battles and not depend on government.
SphereHead: But you will keep asking votes in the name of Smashan, Mandir and a host of other Hindu issues.
Modi: Remember one thing, BJP fellows are also Hindus and have every right to appeal to fellow Hindus using any matter, starting from gas-bulb up to Mandir issue.
SphereHead: But you will not bring any constitutional guarantees for the Hindu causes which you too support.
Modi: I think there is not enough support for these matters and there is no unique opinion among the Hindu community over these issues.
SphereHead: Do you mean to say that Hindus themselves want to be wrongly discriminated by the constitution?
Modi: Hindu issues are not patented issues of the BJP supporting Hindus but also of those Hindus who support Congress and a host of other religious and secular parties.
SphereHead: You are washing your hands off; from this issue.
Modi: I am working on a particular mandate of Vikas and Vishwas and I will do what I have decided to do.
SphereHead: …. …. …..
Modi: It seems that I have trapped you this time. Do not worry my friend, all issues will be taken up when the people are ready.
SphereHead: But.. .. ..
Modi: Yes I did demonetisation, GST and a host of other secular issues because it was needed. Being a leader, there will be some losses at some scale and gains at other scale. Governance is like a war. You have to fight it to achieve the end result and, in the process, you have to bear a lot of sacrifices which cannot be measured in any manner either tangibly or intangibly.
SphereHead: …..But..
Modi: Had the economy failed, inflation crossed all sane limits and the artificial growth continued during the 2014, we did not have enough gold and economic strength to withstand the onslaught of the World Bank, IMF and other funding agencies and their bed mates, the rating agencies. So, setting the economy on the correct path was necessary. And like I said, there will be some losses and sacrifices.
SphereHead: Is the economy in good health now.
Modi: From the information I had when I took over and the information I have after 6 years, I believe that the economy has recovered very well. There will always be factors beyond our control but under the given circumstances and resources, I think I have done my job in the best possible manner.
SphereHead: Can we expect any other reforms in education sector, Shir Pejawara Swamy had been talking about equality in education laws. Can something be done about it?
Modi: Changing certain issues are easier than changing other things. This change will be like the removal of reservation issues. A lot of people who are in the reservation quota actually do not need it, but they would be the first ones to protest if the scheme is altered. Similarly, even though many poor people might not actually use the RTE scheme in the way they were supposed to use, the talk of its removal will cause many chaos.
SphereHead: So are afraid of chaos.
Modi: Lol, I thrive in chaos and I have been in power for a very long time because of chaos.
SphereHead: Then what stops you from doing these things which are being sought by many great supporters of you.
Modi: There is a capacity to handle chaos and what the chaos that will be creating in the coming days would be interesting and very useful for the nation in the long term. I believe in the completion of Ram Mandir and hopefully it will start the debate about a lot of issues and will reinvigorate the society.
SphereHead: I too hope the same. Jai Shree Ram.
Modi: Namaste
Image Credits: https://www.theweek.in/news/india/up-civic-polls-win-gujarat-greater-victory-amit-shah.html, https://keralakaumudi.com/en/news/news.php?id=103728&u=yoga-integral-part-of-our-culture-says-pm-modi-103728