At the event horizon of the darkness of the BlackCoats, I the SphereHead meet them for a small talk over a variety of issues concerning the Only True Secular Nation created after the Big Bang. As I walk towards the BlackCoat for the talk, he seems to waving his hand at some mysterious Super Women whose powers are Absolute Protection from the Long Arms of Law.
SphereHead: Hello
BlackCoat: You are in contempt because you think there is some quid pro quo with that woman who just left my place.
SphereHead: I never think about who goes out of your offices because too many things of pride and shame have happened from those glorious chambers. The shameful things get highlighted more than the other things. Lets not get into the Constitutionality Morality of the events happening in the chambers and let not conduct the Essential Requirement Test for the acts that can be performed in the chambers.
BlackCoat: You seem to be getting closer to understanding our knowledge.
SphereHead: Everything falls in place when the knowledge is widespread and you have no place to hide because of the events that are happening in the public. You are an appointee of a protestor and thus you have some sympathy towards the rioters. What is worrying, is your misplaced priorities.
BlackCoat: It is time for some tea.
SphereHead: But you seemed to have spent a lot of time over tea with that Super Women whose powers are Absolute Protection from the Long Arms of Law.
BlackCoat: Donot worry, there is a lot of time and we can have tea any time. There is still no tax for drinking tea. Lol.
SphereHead: But some infants in the near future might file a case claiming that the energy used for making tea is actually causing global warming. Apart from this the tea plantations are destroying the forest areas and are the primary reason for the melting of Arctic and Antarctic Ice.
BlackCoat: Tea cancelled as I do not want to make the environmental activists angry. They have realised complete Constitutional Morality and thus I have to bow to them. These are the people who care for the environment and I will contribute in what little way I can.
SphereHead: So you going to ban Cars?
BlackCoat: No. I am not foolish or something. I will ban tea.
SphereHead: What about coffee?
BlackCoat: Lets ban that too, what harm does it can do. If I have the powers wrested in my pen, by the constitution to ban Tea, then I have the powers to ban Coffee.
SphereHead: But sir, what about hot food, which also creates some smoke and also consumes a lot of energy?
BlackCoat: I can ban that too. Wait a minute. If I ban the hot food, tea and coffee, not everybody can afford to eat ice creams and cool drinks. There must be a way out. I am in need of my friend who usually goes by the name that ends with Ramachandran.
SphereHead: Let me call him.
BlackCoat: Ramachandran, kindly come inside.
The BlackCoat then looks at me with a piercing stare and says, Do not hope for the darshan of Ram whom we do not consider as a deity but only a figment of imagination of the illiterate masses who have to be shown the True God.
SphereHead: Whether you call Ram’s name by choice or by chance, you will have the benefit of chanting his name.
BlackCoat: Ramachandran’s name will be changed soon as many people are getting suspicious.
SphereHead: So you have decided to ban all food.
BlackCoat: No, you see, we are the upholders of the democracy and the protectors of lives of the citizens. If not for us, the sovereign BlackCoats, people would not have any happiness and all that the people are enjoying today is because of our grace.
SphereHead: What are you going to ban?
BlackCoat: Hence forth cooking will be banned and all the food that our nation wants to consume, will be imported in ready to eat condition and to that end an order will be passed without reserving it. Feels good to pass orders immediately. Hmm. Must do it more often.
SphereHead: Someone else has to cook the food, the global warming still continues and there is no use of your actions.
BlackCoat: You are crossing the limits as we have infinite wisdom to see through the future and decide on things even before they can occur. We know what is the best possible thing for the citizens as we are unbiased. Basically, we are unknowledgeable except for a deep respect for the flowery language called English. Let’s talk something else as the matter about banning is closed and will be again taken for review at the end of Big Bang.
SphereHead: Why Super Woman is so important to your scheme of things?
BlackCoat: Look, the powers of Super Woman are not her own but were granted after a lot of efforts and we have to abide by them. We have taken too many liberties with the Boon Granters and they are really pissed with us.
SphereHead: Can I get a name of a Boon Granter?
BlackCoat: Boon Granter’s name must not be taken out in public and must remain a closed guarded secret.
SphereHead: Do you as a citizen not worry about this nation?
BlackCoat: We worry very much and thus we hope that the people see the LIGHT soon and believe only in the truth and True God. All the efforts denying and fighting the Truth are useless.
SphereHead: Your language seems to be in sync with those of the evalangicals.
BlackCoat: They are the most compassionate ones and they really care for the humanity and it is beyond your capabilities to understand. Anything else you want to talk?
SphereHead: Nothing.
BlackCoat: It is strange that you came here and then have no questions. It seems that you are disappointed by seeing the SuperWoman in this place.
SphereHead: It might be the reason, but your language has made it clear that you are beyond redemption.
BlackCoat: We are on the path of LIGHT and we know about the saviour.
SphereHead: What about equality?
BlackCoat: Equality is a myth in the eyes of Truth.
SphereHead: So you will perpetuate the existing scheme of things.
BlackCoat: I am a creature of the collegium first and then of nation. Thus I will try my level best to protect the powers of collegium which were provided by the Ancient Boon Granters.
SphereHead: Things remain the same even though they appear to have changed.
BlackCoat: No, Things have changed even though they appear to be the same.
SphereHead: I will like to talk to you another time, when some important matter comes to your office.
BlackCoat: Our doors are always open for everyone, including terrorists, rapists, pseudo-victims, Truth-Seekers. Our doors are partially closed to deities, victims of violence, etc. Our doors are permanently closed for those who seeks to change the balance of powers.
SphereHead: Lol, you do not want to give up the lollipop you are holding.
BlackCoat: Whatever you call it, does not matter. We will not give up what is truthfully ours. It is our right and destiny to transform the people and Lead them towards Light.
SphereHead: What if you are up against the sword of religious bigotry?
BlackCoat: Every sword has a sheath and we are guided by BoonGranters who shall take care of us for eternity.
SphereHead: Hope you will succeed with your grand plans, but we should meet again.
BlackCoat: Definitely.
With those reassuring words of the Black Coats, it has become clear that the SuperWomen whose powers are Absolute Protection from the Long Arms of Law will remain elusive as ever even though she remains in plain sight continuing her criminal activities.
Author can be reached on Twitter: @SPHEREHEADSAYS
1 thought on “SphereHead meets BlackCoats”
February 21, 2020Great content! Super high-quality! Keep it up! 🙂