Call it #ChineseVirus as President Trump mentioned or #COVID-19 as WHO has declared or #WuhanVirus as people in India are saying, the victim is innocent citizens across the globe. Questions are being raised on why not Chinese government is made to pay for the loss. Obviously it will not happen so easily. We need to do our basic first. China has already started an agressive PR campaign to blame US or any other country for the origin of the deadly virus. Therefore, we need to find facts and circumstantial evidence and leave the rest for neitizens
Right from the time people across the globe started sharing videos of high handed approach of chinese government on social media, there was doubt the number of citizens who fell ill, treated and recovered.
The genesis– Xi Jinping lead government has stretched two ends of the rubber band beyond its limit to remain intact. No matter what his government say or try to influence the world news using all available resources at disposal, the reality can’t be suppressed that it has tried to create a monster that went out of control. First victims are that of Wuhan and other towns of Hubei and then rest of the world. To understand #WuhanVirus we need to go back to June 2012. Place – Coronavirus Bioweapon – How China Stole Coronavirus From Canada And Weaponized It.

Role of Chinese Government– All small and big democracy across the world are aware of the high handed approach in China but this was for the first time that Social Media was flooded with videos of the patients there. Beaten, mercilessly taken away from the home, sealed main doors of flats. If some reports are to be believed than the first case of this deadly virus is unknown but the first patient / reported case dates back to Novermber 17, 2019. There was an increase of one to five patients every day. As on December 31, 2019 the number stood at 266 and suddenly jumped to 381 on Jan 1, 2020. Even till January 11, 2020 Wuhan Health Department claimed to have just 41 death. The end of January saw a sudden jump in numbers it was in four digits.
WHO local office in China was officially informed on last day of 2019 about some patients with Pneumonia with unknown causes. These patients had some connections in the form of vendors/dealers in Huanan Seafood Market.
By this time Chinese citizens had already started sharing videos, their concern and their fear with regards to their government. By January 23, 2020 #WuhanVirus had already impacted life of 547 people in China. Transportation lockdown announced in Wuhan. Overseas confirmed cases in US, Thailand, South Korea were also reported.
Whistle blower Dr Li Wenliang died two weeks before Dr Liu . Dr Li an ophthalmologist had shared information on social media about the virus on Dec 30 at local seafood market. Police picked him for spreading fake news. He was declared dead by a hospital on Feb 7, 2020. Around Mar 15, 2020 Chinese real estate tycoon Ren Zhiqiang goes missing. He was very critical of the government and and earned the nickname “Ren the Big Cannon”. Voice of innocent citizens and victim of #WuhanVirus is still being suppressed. 516 key words related to Corono Virus are blocked by the government. Citizen Lab – Canada-based Internet Censorship Research Company has published a paper titled Censored Contagion – How Information on the Coronavirus is Managed on Chinese Social Media Internet Police is another government organisation that keeps a vigil on citizens activity while on internet. The moment any content that is not pleasing to the ruling party in China, police is at the door.

Role of WHO– As early as January 14, 2020 WHO was banking on Chinese authorities for a confirmation whether the virus spread through humans. Though genome sequences for the novel Virus was shared with WHO on Jan 12, 2020. First field visit by WHO to WUHAN was done on Jan 21, 2020. According to them it is in this Chinese government shared their procedures for test kit and protocols.
Jan 22 and 23, 2020 first Emergency meeting was convened by WHO Director General. However, several members were of the view that it would be premature to declare Public Health Emergency of International Concern as it had restrictive nature.
On Jan 28, 2020 WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus met Chinese President and on Jan 30, 2020 Public Health Emergency of International Concern declared. And on Feb 12, 2020 UN activated WHO-led Crisis Management Team. This Crisis Management Team (CMT) mechanism brings together WHO, OCHA, IMO, UNICEF, ICAO, WFP, FAO, the World Bank and several UN Secretariat departments.

On Feb 15, 2020 at Munich Security Conference WHO Director General praises Chinese government efforts. And on Feb 21, 2020 he warns warns that the window of opportunity is “narrowing”. Same day Dr Liu Zhiming – Head of Wuhan Hospital passed away. The date and time still remains a point of debate in China. Some claim to be the next day i.e. Feb 18, 2020. On Mar 8, 2020 #WuhanVirus had crossed 1 lac innocent citizens and touched the shores of 100 countries. Mar 11, 2020 Pandemic announced.
Road Ahead –
(1) Citizens from across the globe should come together on Social Media and counter Chinese fake PR campaign.
(2) Name and shame global body for being too friendly with China instead
(3) Compel our respective governments to file a case against Chinese government for Financial damage and keeping the world community in dark about their bio warfare program in ICJ

For China encroaching land of neighbouring countries, sea and vital facility by force, one sided MoU etc is a routine affair and remains elusive but this time around CPC has done a critical blunder. This time the victims are from all major democracies. The impact is not on land where citizens normally don’t get effected immediately, the impact is on direct life and movement of citizens. A child of four years also knows that it’s China that has taken away his freedom to move freely.

Who will take the responsibility of so many death and patients across the globe. China just can’t start a PR campaign to confuse people. Time has changed. Internet ban and forced policing is fine in Chinese land, rest of world should not feel obliged to play Ping Pong with their narrative.
There is a heavy cost the world is going to pay in the long run because of this Wuhan Virus, this includes loss of jobs, cost of treatment and loss of family members.

Influential state heads like PM Modi, President Trump, etc should take the war against China head on. China has too much to explain. This can be done at two level. One at the way future trade would be done and second at International Court of Justice. Apart from Chinese government questioning also need to be asked and role of United Nations, World Health Organisation and charges of corruption against Red Cross China. While leading media house across the globe have always something at disposal against Hindus, they also need to question the intentions of Vatican. Why should senior citizens in Italy be left to die. Do they not have Human Rights? Where is Amnesty? Independent bodies and ICJ should look into why WHO doesn’t have their own mechanism to cross check information provided by a country with regard to a disease. Why WHO wasted weeks to tell the world that China has lost control of a Virus they were developing in Wuhan.

United Nation, UNICEF, WHO, Amnesty and many more may have compulsion in taking China head on but citizens should not leave this here. Thousands of innocent people who have died, lacs of people under treatment and millions who have lost their daily earning and jobs, the war has just begun. Emotional, financial and legal (ones who will fail to pay emi, etc). Someone has to pay. Let ICJ decide.
Pic Credit: Cottonbro and Screenshots from Twitter
Author: @ZeroAppeasement on Twitter
1 thought on “#WuhanVirus- The Great CoverUp?”
March 18, 2020Wonderful article, so informative