From the time World Health Organisation (now termed by Dy PM of Japan as Wuhan Health Organization for obvious reasons) announced threat from #ChineseVirus to the world a lot has changed in terms of citizen’s perception across the globe.
Healthcare facilities, flow of information (genuine and fake), preparedness by developing countries, education to the last mile, from basics like ordinary face mask to N95 and PPE for healthcare, ventilators, dedicated hospitals for patients, lockdown, etc. are in discussion, planning and execution. But the most important task is to realigning business and reducing dependability on China. Secondly, educating a section of Muslim population and last but not the least fixing the responsibility of PRC.

PM Modi has been under magnifying glass for over eighteen years now. He has single handedly fought fake and biased news. From his first stint onwards as PM he has addressed the nation on various delicate issues. All throughout NaMo has focussed on DEVELOPMENT and country has seen visible difference. While development is most welcome and citizens enjoy the benefits of it, development can’t be key to all problems.

One major problem that is forced on the nation is fake SECULARISM. The burden of secularism is heavy. Left liberal and media have played a major role in highlighting fake, misleading and biased news against Hindus and suppressing genuine news against minorities.
Each ministry has a role to play in time of crisis. We have seen ministers from Defence, Home, Law, Finance, Railways, etc. taking the lead when major policy decisions or any crisis is there. Now, the time has come for Minority Affairs Minister to take the lead. State police across India are being attacked, community people are forcibly going to mosque, even on vacant roads prayers are offered just to make a point, doctors and support staff are having tuff time performing their duty, spitting and licking has become a weapon of spreading deadly disease (refer cases of vegetable vendor, food delivery, Infosys employee, spitting on car door handle in a housing society in UP, etc.). Where does this lead the society?
The problem is grave. Nation and law abiding can’t suffer because some left leaning activist and news traders are going to write biased articles. Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh Shri Yogi has understood the crisis and taking all possible measures to eliminate the menace.
Nation should remember NaMo never wasted time and spoke about Gau Rakshak openly and also posted series of tweet, even though a lot of news about lynching was media created. Here we have a problem if not attended will only escalate. Keeping it under carpet will not serve any purpose. The vicious cycle has to be stopped.
Imagine the amount of time, money and other resources wasted when we are short on time. The root cause is never attended, it is ignored. The government at present should think twice before wasting this opportunity. Entire machinery (police, IB, IT, Doctors, hospitals, etc) are all aligned to work in close synergy. Government should go full throttle after trouble makers, on ground supporters in media and NGOs. If someone is hiding in mosque or attacking doctors who visit their locality or in hospital, then the issue is much bigger and it needs an innovative way to resolve it. While NSA is invoked against few trouble makers in UP and MP, this has not created any impact. The noose has to be tightened. One additonal punishment government can look at is withdrawing subsidy and other benefits wherever an entire locality is involved in breaking law.

The attack on police, shameful behaviour in hospitals and forced prayers in mosque and terraces continue in some parts of most states. They are doing it on purpose. Police should have a free hand. Men in uniform should not be seen at receiving end.
Remember Shahi Imam of Delhi has several non bailable warrants and nothing happened. A person threatens police and judiciary of riots and is left. Same with Shaheen Bagh. How can someone just come and block a road? If problems are not nipped in bud they are bound to become monster size. CM of Uttar Pradesh Shri Yogi has shown that leniency should never be the tool to deal with people who challenge law of the land. They have to be taken head on. This is the only way to keep police and other function of government in high spirit.
What is Ministry of Minority Affairs doing at this juncture?
It may have taken some steps but they are not visible. Though Shri Naqvi has slammed Tablighi Jamaat over coronavirus spread, what next? While Home Ministry is doing their best, it is time the Cabinet Minister of Minority Affairs leads from the front. Few trouble maker in the religion should not be allwed to take entire nation to ransom. Few newstraders should not be allowed to think that the ceiling of democracy will fall if they are removed from the profession. Termites need treatment they deserve.
Best time for Shri Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi to display his leadership skills. He should be seen more often addressing media, giving press notes and most importantly directly speaking to the community to avoid being on other side of law. Will he?
Pic Credit: DNA India
Author: @ZeroAppeasement on Twitter