The Corona Virus which should be rightly identified as Chinese Virus has given very valuable lessons. The most important lesson that one must learn is that the state is sacrosanct. Whether the state if run by Modi or Rahul or some other Alien. The state can alone protect its citizens and if the state fails, then it will wreak havoc in the lives of millions of people. In a democratic set up, it is the most important duty of citizens to be aware of the man heading the state and a lot of things will depend on the individual capabilities. The issue is not whether Modi is capable or Rahul is the most eligible. The issue is far bigger than the person who heads the state, because the state must exist for survival of the citizens.
The thing to remember is that the Indian state is getting weakened from within. There is a fear mongering within the government departments and also whisperings in the ears of leadership about the possible dangers to the glory of the nation. If this is not the case, then the state has failed in its primary duty of enforcing the rule of law. The issue is not about Delhi where the confused Delhi police did not know how to react from the beginning of the second term of the Modi government. Maintaining law and order is the responsibility of state governments and each of them have failed in their duty.
The abject surrender to the violence on the streets does not instil confidence notwithstanding the largely peaceful nature of the lockdown. The defiance shown by the rule breakers has become a joke and the inaction and pleadings have only added fuel to the fire of arrogance. The repeated attacks on the health care workers and the police should ring warning bells within the various governmental bodies but it seems the politicians are living in a fantasy land where they are eating the secular spitted peacefully culled beef biryani offered by the highly religiously threatening citizens.
The governments have tucked their tail between the secular legs because of the fear of the reaction that can cause because of their strict actions. The fear of retaliation and the judicial harassment has acted as very good deterrents to ensure that the government takes up all the losses while the violence instigators are given a free pass. Not only the instigators are getting a free pass, they are being worshipped with special dishes and special favours in efforts to save the lives of instigators. The suicidal tendencies of the state governments must be appreciated.
On one hand, there is special expenditure and special taxes on the citizens to ensure the improved living conditions of privileged citizens living in specially marked zones, then there are cases of destruction of the public property by the very citizens. Apart from this double dhamaka, there are special departments in the governments to pander to the whims and fancies of these citizens who are known to be against the state. Be it the naxals, Islamic terrorists, Christian missionaries and their chelas in the society are given a free run by the governments. The state is not the protector of the people who are working hard for the growth and progress but the state is upholder of the rights of the groups which are dutifully destroying everything that the citizens feel important and valued.
When a small country like Sri Lanka with limited resources can remove the scourge of LTTE, we are still talking about the existence of Urban Naxals, Islamic terrorism, Christian missionary evangelism and other issues which are destroying the nation from within. The root cause of the various issues may be different but the only solution to all these problems is the unlimited resources available with the state. Each of these groups believe in the use of the force and bring losses to the state and every single loss is considered a victory which will further strength these groups.
Groups which believe in violence and treachery cannot be won with love. The Governments have been doing a Gandhi on the citizens of this nation. Doing Gandhi on the nation means, allowing the death and destruction of the citizens without imposing escalating costs on the groups which are working against the state and its citizens. The government is simply throwing excess cash and buying peace in the hope that they need not solve the issue. Every single issue facing this country can be traced back to one of the three groups which are consuming excessively large amounts of public resources and dragging the nation backward. Our state did not bother to kill any groups of citizens except the above mentioned three violent groups except in extreme situations.
The reasons are very obvious. The pressure from external sources, the harassment from internal sources. Various nations are involved with the violence propagated by the three groups: naxals, Islamic terrorist, Christian missionaries. There has always been international efforts to keep India in a state of turmoil for a variety of issues using rights cottage industry. The internal harassment is mainly due to the Judicial-Rights cottage industry. With unequal application of laws in identical situations, the Judicial-Rights cottage industry has enforced an untold rule that the violent groups must have a right to destroy the state and the state is duty bound to deal in the least violent manner.
The Judicial-Rights lobby from internal agencies to international agencies have brought an additional layer of constraints on the already constrained power and resources of the state in the enforcement of the rule of law. All the talk and bluster of the Judicial-Rights lobby is for the agencies that are working to weaken the state, because the interpretation of law is based on the parties. In reality there is no rule of law except for the peace-loving majority citizens of this nation in most of the areas. If this was not the case, there would not have been warnings from terrorist groups threatening the citizens with violence if the police is removed.
The mockery of the law happened when the losing party of a title suit was asked to be compensated by the state. In case, if I file title suit case, will the courts give me compensation if I lose the title suit. Will the courts allow to me to breed aliens, if the aliens approach the courts for rights guaranteed by the constitution? Will the courts allow all infants to file cases in the name of some imaginary rights? In serious times of pandemics, the courts are worried about cat food? I am just wondering if the same courts have given as much importance to the lives of cows? The courts might be loving beef biryani and are the enforcers of Gandhi on the nation.
In the current scenario, the citizens must be very scared of the courts, because we cannot say how they will interpret the law. They might come with a bizarre Shakespearean logic of infecting all citizens with Corona, because Corona also has a right to life and it cannot be simply destroyed without a dignified life, just like the terrorists from alien lands who have landed in J&K. Be scared of courts as they doing Gandhi on the nation.
Author can be reached on Twitter: @SPHEREHEADSAYS