India has been doing a great job in dealing with the Chinese Virus, unlike the European nations and America. Till today, the situation is in India’s favour and various individuals have contributed in their private capacities to aid the democratic government in their own ways by building equipment, creating medicine, etc in the fight against the global pandemic that originated in China. One of India’s great Yoga Guru has come with an immune booster with little or no side effects at affordable costs much to the surprise of everyone concerned with the Chinese Virus. The effectiveness of the drug is doubted by sections of people who do not like anything Indian, let alone something developed at low cost by a saffron clad monk.
The global shame that is heaped upon the Chinese nation has removed some sheen of the Communist Party of China’s self-glorification campaign. Gaining the lost image is one of the urgent issues for the Communist Party of China and not the welfare of safety of its citizens. The sham of a government that violates the rights of its citizens in every possible way is hailed by global governance institutions because of the money spent by the Communist Party of China over various individuals. The money power was gained by subverting the market economics, currency manipulation and manipulation of governmental and other agencies in various nations. Powerful nations who have suffered the Chinese virus have been the reasons for the strength of the Communist Party of China and they alone are responsible for sufferings caused by the global pandemic.
Communist Party of China is trying to topple the global order created for the benefit of European nations and America and has been fairly successful in it and it might succeed. But the land grabbing Communist Party of China has one problem in its neighbourhood which is not ready to accept the Communist Fantasy. The problem for the Communist Party of China is the democratic Hindu India. The erstwhile global punching bag has started to stand up for itself and now cannot be manipulated, arm twisted. In the past the Communist Party of China or for that matter any nation could provide some funds in the various foundations and trusts run by certain political parties, the policies would be altered to suit the needs of the donor nations or institutions. Communist Party of China and the Islamic Republic of Pakistan have used India as their favourite punching bag to boost their image in among its captive audience. But things have changed with time and this has become a severe global problem.
Communist Party of China and Islamic Republic of Pakistan which survive on the self-glorification of political party and army respectively have lost their punching bag. In the quest for finding new punching bags, the two nations have been wreaking havoc in all nations. One nation sends virus and the other sends terrorists and the end result is the death of citizens. As days go by and India starts to reply in kind to these two nations, the global powers will have more head ache than they can handle. The great Western powers have created and nurtured monsters to keep India down and the monsters are coming to devour their creators. The Western nations cannot deal with a China without the aid of a nation that can take as much blows as possible. Hence everyone wants India to continue to be the punching bag and take up all the blows.
The moment India stopped becoming the punching bag many things became impossible. CPEC, control over Siachen glacier, a puppet market, defence market, more land grabbing opportunities have become distant dream. The Communist Party of China has not been able to expand into the Indian territories like it was doing in the past and India is focussing on the east while it has kept the nation at the western border in a state of panic. The Hindu India is not willing to be the global punching bag where in every nation could do what they wanted, say what they wanted to polish their lost image.
Communist Party of China is now unable to grab more land as easily as it could in the past and prove its military invincibility to its captive audience. The shiny toys and the shiny boys are of no use which was proven beyond doubt with the “Golgappe Khayega”. Only a nation that belongs to its citizens respects its soldiers and honours them but cannon fodder soldiers of a political party cannot get the respect they deserve except for publicity purposes. The land grabbing activity in India has been put to rest. The image polishing activity has to happen one way or the other and thus the Communist Party of China has used its puppet in Nepali government. The puppet of China has changed the map of his nation while allowing China to take land of his own nation. We hope people of Nepal realize that they own the government and not the other way because once Communists come into power; the Communists believe they own the people and resources.
The land grabbing by Communist Party of China in Nepal has not salvaged its lost prestige because of the death of its soldiers in the clash with India. The numbers of Communist Party of China’s soldiers who died in the battle are hidden from the public because it will add more shame on the nation with shiny toys and shiny boys. The suit boot ki Chinese Sarkar should realize that not every political party of India will be subservient to its interests and there is something that money cannot buy. The national pride rests in defending the nation and not in grabbing land of neighbour’s using pseudo claims. Communist Party of China is as much a rouge nation as Pakistan. But China is more cunning and more vicious. Only Indian soldiers stand in its way for the time being and I pray that Bharat Mata children will teach the arrogant land grabber a lesson that will never be forgotten.
The cowards among the European nations and America can twiddle their thumbs and see how things progress between India and Communist Party of China. But technology warfare capability of Communist Party of China is what the scares the Western nations. The shallow Western nations lack morality to deal with a crisis created by them, but are the first ones to jump to lecture India on how to be a responsible nation. These Western nations treat India as a punching bag to polish their own credentials. India should continue to Ekla Chalo and hope the judiciary and babudom will let India become AtmaNirbhar. Hindu India is a necessary condition for global peace.
Author: Vijendra Bhat can be reached on Twitter