A very powerful Tribal Woman says “I thank god to be amongst you ….. Finland. .. Jesus be with you. This is how we greet in my church in India, … in the Lutheran Church in … that is north western … evalangical Lutheran church. My name is …. but I am known as …. and I am a Kuruk speaking woman. And I am very thankful to god for the supporters here in Finland in Finnish Lutheran Church that through Sansa [1] as a bridge, you have supported Kuruk program. For 28 years you have constantly supported the kuruk program through TWR [2] India. And as a member of the dioceses council of North West Lutheran Church I bring greetings on behalf of my church to you. There are 5 million kuruk speaking people in India BUT ONLY 19% are Christians. So roughly 4 million people STILL do not know Jesus and the gospel of salvation through Jesus. And on behalf of TWR India, as a board member, I thank all of you and very specially Sansa for being a support through prayer for the broadcast of these programs. It was being said earlier that, you have been supporting women of hope [3] program also in India. There are 3 languages in India that you all support and on behalf of the board of TWR India, I thank you. On behalf of the TWR International board I also bring you greetings, because you have been one of the very consistent partners in Europe and have been supporting the programs of various indigenous people’s languages which do not have legal standing in their own country. May the lord bless the Finnish Lutheran Church and each of you individual supporters who have through the bridge of Sansa have supported the work in Lutheran through Lutheran Church in India. And I thank you on behalf half of TWR India also. May god bless you all and continue to pray as you continue to support. May god bless you all. “ This is a transcript of a you tube video [4] where the tribal lady seems to be saying some kind of Vote thanks.
The alleged tribal woman is a board member of TWR. The mission of TWR is to proclaim the gospel of salvation to as many people as possible, instruct believers in biblical doctrine and daily Christ-like living, model our message through our corporate and cooperative relationships. The core values of even scarier [5]. TWR wants to innovate and their attitude is “We are committed to a collaborative spirit characterized by creativity, appropriate and innovative technologies, openness to risk, aggressive expansion, proactive attitudes, and application of biblical truth to changing needs.” This TWR is no small organization and the list of partners is very massive [6]. One said that if the Christian tribal lady could not study into English medium school even though there quite a large number of christian schools in the area where she did her schooling. The lady claims that some non-tribal teacher told her that “you are not good enough” [7]. The hypothetical and taking out of context of words of whatever it might be, it needs a tearful story of hate to show their success and instill hate because one is a successful. The curious thing is that the lady did more of her schooling in Christian colleges and then Everest of secularism i.e,. JNU. One must wonder the amount of discrimination she might have faced.
Another wonder transcript of the madam’s speeches, Margins – which separates the two kinds. … Look at the margin at the society … there is marginalisation of the society … central India, chota Nagpur ke tribes ke context me ye bathana chahti hu … The marginalization happened in this part by colonisation. The colonial administration brought with them the money lenders because they wanted to get, extract tax. Ek vicious cycle wunhone wahan create kiya. Not only money lenders but also zamindars who would be agents the .. The money lenders lend to money to the so-called poor peasants because they had kind and not money quote unquote. And money was to be deposited … zamindars were to get the tax. As well as the traders and not only traders…… if I have been victim, therefore, my victimizer must be interrogated. I think that should be an attitude. … Some of the historical facts have been pushed to the margins and have never been talked about. … so all these people or peoples groups have been distributed in various states for again, political reasons. …. We have to find ways to tell, bring back historical facts and tell and hear each other’s historical facts so that, with time they would become part of our general knowledge. …. Those revolts were examples of assertion, assertion for self-governance and I think we need to claim some of our … these stories, facts, almost like reclaiming the culture, to be able to assert what has been purposefully kept away from the so called main stream or general knowledge so that, I think we would have the adequate strength to be proud of oneself and not feel … marginalized. And therefore I think it is time that we again define the line and then who is in and who is out. ….. [8].
The lady never says the Christian Colonialism but her words all mean the people must interrogate the state with questions and demand accountability. Some urban naxalish words. Also all her stories of poverty are merely hogwash to make a very strong emotive story.
Can a Tribal be Christian? Whether Indian tribals are natural Christians? Can a Christian claim caste discrimination? Can we believe there are laws which say that Scheduled Tribes and minorities are two different groups and the provisions given to Scheduled Tribes do not apply to minority institutions according to clause (i) of Article 30. [9]. Since it is explicitly said in a government document that Scheduled Tribes (tribes) and minorities are two different groups, a tribal should not claim to be a Christian and it should be legally wrong. The double benefits of being a minority and supra legal provisions for being a scheduled tribe would make the Tribal Christian a Super-Citizen. But Indian constitution acts in a deviant way with respect to different groups in a hierarchical order with the so-called Hindus at a level below the bottom in order to balance and aid the global conversion agencies.
I am just wondering how Christian Convert have been claiming to be tribals and becoming the vocal advocates and mediators between the government and the real tribals. The government has been too happy to allow the church to become the mediator between itself and the converts there by further marginalizing the real tribals out there. The recent efforts of converting the Sentinels of Andaman must have rung alarm bells in the top echelons of the government but the Jokers of GoI are more than happy in allowing the harvesting of souls of citizens of India. In reality the Government of India is the biggest arm of the evalangical organizations of every alien kind. One more institution is handed over to a Christian convert who is fully into and supportive of soul harvesting. The courts too have been too kind to evalangical groups as the court is just another arm of the government aka creature of the discriminatory constitution. I hope this lady is kept very far away from the MHRD because there are higher chances of promoting soul harvesting. The evangelicals are researching and implementing ways to harvest souls at a very young age. I wish the government would not be stupid enough to give keys to this lady as the amount of support and cheer she received for her recent promotion should really be a matter of concern. There are many tribals who are more neutral in their approach who must be promoted and not the ones working with global evangelical agencies.
And I still wonder, how can this lady call herself Tribal?
Really Madam Dr. Sonajharia Minz. I am only interrogating the state which you yourself promote.
Picture Credit: Screenshot from You Tube
Author: Vijendra Bhat can be reached on Twitter
Ref. Links:
1. https://sansa.fi/in-english/
2. https://www.twr.org/who-we-are
3. https://www.twrwomenofhope.org/programs/
4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVcgJXZyGPM
5. https://www.twr.org/doctrine–values
6. https://www.twr.org/ministry-partners
7. shorturl.at/cxyU0
8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jjDeIjCCDIY
9. https://tribal.nic.in/DivisionsFiles/clm/ProvisionsRelatingtoSTs2.pdf