Many Hindus are a danger to the existence of a temple because Hindus have full rights over temple affairs but are not performing their duties correctly. Some Hindus have constitutionally taken over the rights of fellow Hindus in the name of equality, good governance, infrastructure development, improved management, etc. But we can always see many unaccountable Hindu temple managers doing things as per their wishes inside the temples. Their actions might be against the temple traditions but it does not seem to bother the temple managers. Instead of protecting the rights and interests of the Deity, the officials are busy doing things to promote secularism. This disease of secularism has even infected those leaders of Hindus who were supposed to uphold dharma but are busy preaching secularism. There is a serious problem within the Hindu community and these are the times when Deity needs protection from the many varieties of dangerous Hindus.
The temple management situation is alarming because of the egos of the Hindus managing the temples. The egos have grown so big that “Hindus cannot tolerate Hindus” views which may be fully rooted in tradition. This intolerance has nothing to do with caste, philosophy, Kuldevata, Ishtadevta or any other Hindu thing. It is ego in the purest form which might make the deities to laugh at the modern-day secular Hindus. The gigantic egos of the Hindus have led them to take simple matters related to Deities to the secular courts and have degraded the status of the Deity. The servants of Deity have no respect for the deity and their ego has out grown them. The Hindu servants of the deity feel that verdict of the secular courts is more important than the tradition and deities’ preferences.
The intolerant and egoistic Hindu feels that he has certain claims over the temple wealth and its management. The greed never leaves the Hindus even in the matters of their deity who have protected and nurtured the nation. The greed manifests in the form of rights over the temple affairs and the secular courts have become the modern-day battle ground. The deities have been pushed into the background and the rights over deity’s wealth has become primary concern for many of the managers of the temples and its wealth. The constitutionally moral courts were only too eager to bifurcate the activities related to deity’s house into 2 categories – secular and non-secular. This division has made the justices the overlords of the deities. The deities’ wishes must be according to the constitutional morality and are subject to the interpretation of the courts as they wish depending on the deity under consideration.
The constitutional morality that makes the Hindu and their deities second class beings in the Hindu land is not matter of concern to Hindus because protecting the secularism is most important. Hindus do not know which deity to be protected? Protection of rights of one deity will take away the rights of another deity in the constitutional scheme of things. The Indian constitution according to the constitutional morality wants equality without diversity/discrimination and everything is tested under “essential practice test”.
A Hindu will testify that his deity is omnipotent, omnipresent and thus every issue raised by Hindus on matters concerning their deities can be considered non-essential by other Hindus. Hindus seem to have no clue how to deal with the freedoms given to them and their deities in a simple manner. The Hindus want to secularize their religious rights and become second class citizens aided and abetted by the government (State) filled with Hindus. Even when their deities are sold off in alien lands, Hindus have no problems because the idol does not belong to individual selling it but it belongs to some other Hindu living in a far corner of the large secular Hindu country filled with countless number of idols. Some Hindus even feel happy to see the idols in museums which are not the natural home of the Deity. These great Hindus feel that the idols are kept neatly and safely in the museums otherwise the idols might be damaged by putting nasty things such as perfumed water, flowers, gaumutra, milk, curd, honey, etc. If a debate is held among the prominent members of various Hindu groups regarding the damage caused to the idols by the usage of the various alleged nasty thigs, there is bound to be a war of words.
A number of issues related to the intolerant gods are never dealt in the constitutionally moral courts in the same manner as Hindu deities because Hindus deities are very tolerant and subject to constitutional morality. The constitutional courts and modern-day secular Hindus have put a Lakshman Rekha around the life of the deity and his house. But when it comes to wealth of the deity, the tax must be paid in time and other fees must be paid by the deity without any delay. The status of the Hindu deities is degraded by the Hindus themselves to get applause from secular citizens of India governed by the constitutionally moral courts. Accordingly, when the house of a local deity of a town or poor deity’s house is demolished even though the house was in existence before the existence of the modern-day state and the demolition would not be stopped by the constitutionally moral courts.
Hindus are least bothered about their deity and his house. The Hindus donot have the correct count of their deities and can claim anything and everything to be their deity. But the urgent need is that the Hindus should demand the NRC of their deities and digitization of their deities’ physical wealth. All the tall claims of their huge number of deities and the huge wealth might secularized by a single stroke of secular legislation and the constitutionally moral secular courts will not feel bothered about the abuse of religious rights by the state. This happens very often, because the Jokers of GoI donot consider Hindu religious rights as sacrosanct but which can be altered according to the secular wishes of the democracy. The Black Coats donot want to be bothered about the missing deities and their stolen wealth, the abuse of deities’ rights even though the courts are filled with Hindus.
The deities who give solutions to the Hindus on a variety of issues are not able to convince the modern liberal secular Hindus about their plight and that of their friends. The deities themselves are confused if the temple visiting Hindus and the other Hindus are really the children of the ancestors whom they have seen or the brains of the modern-day Hindus are filled with some kind of alien virus. Deities must be really confused and concerned by the current situation of a large section of Hindus who are simply working very hard to destroy what was protected by their ancestors. Hindu deities have bestowed our ancestors with infinite wisdom in science, literature and every other possible area of life. The modern Hindus are proving themselves as being different from their intelligent ancestors. This difference is tested by woke, greedy, namesake and secular Hindus by measuring the amount of insults heaped on the deities and certificates of compliance issued by way of claps, flattery, awards and approval of entry into secular clubs.
The desire of praise and flattery from the temple destroyers makes a Hindu to commit illogical and at times suicidal things. Some of the suicidal things done by Hindus in recent times are giving away the wealth of Hindus as a property of humanity, declaring the gathering of Hindus as the gathering of humanity, medical wealth of Hindus is treated as quackery, etc. More Hindus are largely concerned with the wealth available with the deities than having a darshan of the deity. Using suicidal phrases like “all gods are equal”, some singers are including aliens into the devotional songs which were originally sung in the praise and glory of Hindu Deities. This is one-way street to take away what the Hindus have and make it a property of all; only to be resold and retold to Hindus in the future date at exorbitant rates. This one-way transfer of Hindu intellectual property can be called inculturation or simply day light foolishness of Hindus.
The Hindu sitting and managing the temples talk of temple income as if they have worked and produced the income. If wealth generated by the temple was due to their efforts alone, then they must prove themselves by removing the deity from the temple and generate the same amount of wealth without the deity in the temple. The alleged Hindus who allegedly manage the temple cannot make one paise in the absence of the deity. Hence the money coming into the temple is because of one individual, the person residing inside the temple. But the egoistic Hindus are too greedy and arrogant to accept the reality and are mostly unable to take care of the deity who is the source of their livelihood. The gigantic egos of the deity-wealth-managing Hindu was further exposed when the servants of the deity were given reduced salaries in spite of the huge wealth in the custody of the deity. It is also a reality that certain deities cannot bring more wealth and need human intervention. Can this statement be ever accepted? In the modern times, these statements have become fashionable to utter publicly when talking about Hindu tempes.
Hindus on one hand talk of equality with diversity and wokes talk of removing the differences and are anti labelling. But no Hindu had a problem when the temples were labelled as A, B, C category. Some houses of deities are given more grades purely on the basis of the wealth. This scheme seems to be the most pathetic thing to be accepted by the Hindus and not questioning the question I the correct way. The Hindus must have demanded spending enormous public funds to be invested for the improvement of the houses of the poorer deities and improving the lives of servants of deities. Hindus being foolish only talk about the rich deities and allow degradation of their deities by the Jokers of GoI. Can the Hindu government officials be faulted for such a classification when the Jokers of GoI have permanently given victimhood cards and other markers of victimhood perennially to certain groups? Targeted permanent labelling seems to be the hallmark of the Jokers of GoI.
The Hindu deity has been declared a public individual without his consent and many of his rights taken away by the secular laws. Large sums of Hindu deities’ wealth is usurped by the secular state for the purposes of building secular institutions. It seems like the Hindu deities have no right to enjoy their wealth and no right to privacy when even the hardcore multibillion scamming individuals are granted special protections from the constitutionally moral courts. The income of these hardcore criminals is never put in public. But Hindu deities are robbed publicly and their poverty is talked happily while enjoying the wealth of the richer deities. All this is done by the Hindus themselves and then their brethren wonder why they are being discriminated by the state.
The secular deity-wealth-managing Hindus in power think of using the temple to perpetuate their position. The money of the deity should be used in such a way that there are higher returns on the investments made and the friends of deities are helped in times of need and the Hindu citizen welfare is considered as priority at all times. But Hindus temple managers in many cases think that the deity or his representatives must come begging to their offices to get money for meeting their daily needs and some Hindus think that the deities’ houses should be demolished and public facilities be built on those properties. All this seems to be normal state of affairs but with exceptions of all kinds. The sad state of affairs of Hindu deities is because of the greedy, bigoted and flattery seeking nature of a large section of Hindus.
When Hindus themselves have scant respect for their deities, the state which is duty bound by the constitution of India to destroy Hinduism will help Hindus in their suicidal mission. The reason for stating that Indian state is duty bound to destroy the deities is because of its origins and lack of acceptance of the history of the nation. This nation belonged to the Hindus and the history of this nation is in the Puranas and Ithihasas. But flattery seeking Hindu Jokers of GoI are trying to prove that they are not Hindu to make the anti-Hindu global cottage industry happy. The religions which tried to destroy Hindus have a large number of nations to themselves and they keep attacking Hindus to complete their failed project. To this effect they keep telling India has become intolerant and pro-Hindu. The hyper sensitive and flattery seeking Jokers of GoI would then work doubly hard to prove its anti-Hindu credentials to global audience. In the process it destroys the sanctity of Hindu temples and the temple goers by making temples are public places and devotees as tourists. We can clearly say that Indian State is Hindu entity and thus in reality Hindus are destroying the Temples, the Deities’ houses.
When the state itself is indulging in curtailing the powers of the deity in order to keep the devotees in difficult and poor conditions and at the same time helping alien groups in providing help, the conversion of Hindus will happen at a very rapid rate. This is a kind of genocide of Hindus aided and abetted by the moral constitution which is the new Book and the black coats being the new prophets. There must be some creature of Constitution that must have come to the aid of the Hindus and its deities. The creature of constitution must have provided protection from the genocide and invasion. But all the creatures of constitution are morally watching in silence and are in awe of their efforts which is leading the mission of civilizing the Hindus and their deities. The civilizing mission almost failed but got a new lease of life with the super moral constitution coming into existence.
Equality which was enshrined in the constitution is a mirage for Hindus in their religious matters. There seems to be no relief from the state sanctioned discrimination. Nothing seems to be working for the Hindus in their efforts to push the state out of the temples so that the deities can do something to stop the cultural genocide. There is no semblance of respect to the deities by the state and no recognition to our Hindu ancestors who fought hard to keep the Deities, the temples and its culture intact. The Hindus have become the biggest enemies of Hindus aided by the state.
It is taking humongous efforts to save even one house of a Deity. The Hindu Deities must be laughing at the plight of fighting devout Hindus of modern times. Hindu Deities have seen it all and have been helped by their friends from time to time and in some cases, humans have come to their rescue. This being a Kaliyuga, only humans must lift themselves up and start to act and bring the respect and dignity to the institution of temple and the person residing inside it. Only then the deities will give inspiration, courage and strength to move forward. Are Hindus doing enough to protect Deities from fellow Hindus? Are Hindus doing enough to protect the wishes of their Deities? Are Hindus doing enough to kick the anti-Deity Hindu, anti-temple Hindus and anti-Hindu Hindus out of the house of Deity i.e., the temple? More of this in the next piece.
Picture Credit: Nikhilb239 Nikhil
Author: Vijendra Bhat can be reached on Twitter
1 thought on “Deities vs Hindus”
Maj Gen BS Panwar
July 22, 2020Excellent narrative about management of our temples. Religion in true spirit is Dharma & equally applicable to one & all. Hinduism is a way of life & accordingly our Pooja & rituals of our reverend Deity is not synchronised. As such variations in many rituals in our temples is quite common & acceptable in Hinduism. However there is no substitute to good management which must be transparent & honestly in consonance with established practices of each Deity in our temples.