The ability to introspect and make course correction is the most important requirement for all the members of a functioning democracy. Citizens go through this process during elections and keep changing the agents of the State who are in charge of the administration or by coming to the streets to display violence potential. Both the acts of citizens are a remainder to the State to introspect and make course correction. In most of the cases, the state continues to follow the process it deems right irrespective of events happening on the street except in very rare cases. As discussed in the previous articles, Politician is the weakest link of the State because he has the least time to enjoy the fruits of being part of the State and also has to undergo the scrutiny of the original Lords of Democracy, The Voter. The agents hiding behind the Constitutional curtains are the ones with all the real power and have guarded their rights and privileges. The agents have become a special class of citizens. The State has very rarely examined the members of its community who have struck to the ancestral path of the Indian State, i.e., the path of Mughal Empire and Colonial establishment. Those agents who have gone against the State to protect the interests of Hindus are not protected and sometimes their untimely death did not matter to the State which can be substantiated by the lack of action against the known culprits. We have seen innumerable cases where the culprits are known to everyone in a variety of cases such as murder, corruption, rape, etc. but there would not be a convicted criminal but only an accused and acquitted criminal. The norm of the Indian State is – when bigger crimes are committed, the State has been more lenient towards the criminals and has gone overboard to provide State services to ensure the Fundamental rights are fully utilized by criminals [1]. The original Lords of Democracy wanted each citizen to enjoy his Fundamental rights but State has ensured Ordinary discrimination and Extraordinary discrimination leading to the enjoyment of Fundamental rights only by special citizens groups or classes. In its desire of creating super citizens, the State has pushed the interests of original Lords of Democracy to the bottom and allowed the empty space by newer interests of Lords of Democracy who have now become the Guarantors of the Fundamental Rights [2]. The interests of Lords of Democracy is not absolutely clear but they continue to uphold the ways of their ancestors. The urgency and intentions shown by the State and the Lords of Democracy to ensure the enjoyment of fundamental rights of criminals is never displayed in matters related to Hindus and their deities. [3]
The Lords of Democracy can do their nagin dance over the bodies and fundamental rights of some of its citizens, because the majority of citizens are Hindu in character. The examples we can consider are the deaths of Raj bala, killed by State action, Gajendra Singh killed himself and Rohith Vemula, who killed himself because of communists. The moment the character of the citizens changes to something else, the Lords of Democracy would have packed their tails between their holy legs and sing a completely different tune [4]. The State has reached a point where the real oppressed and victimized citizens are mocked, by not granting many reliefs which are usually given to some groups of citizens. We have seen how the State discriminates against the Hindus in every possible way and their deities are treated as doormats of democracy. The rights of Hindus and deities are crushed using the modern tool called Constitutional morality. The modern State is normally just another servant of the modern-day Lords of Democracy except when rights of special citizens are under attack by the Lords of Democracy [5]. The original constitution was given by the Hindus to themselves after burying and kicking out the invaders and the intentions of having a dignified Hindu life. The ideals of the constitution framers are long forgotten by the modern Lords of Democracy. The intentions of original Lords of Democracy and framers of Constitution which should have been the lens for interpreting the constitution is religiously forgotten. The modern tools used by the new Lords of Democracy are the creative interpretation and literal interpretations and are secularly accepted by the State while religiously forgetting its Constitutional moral obligation to protect the interests of Hindus and their Deities. The Hindus have put in place a team of individuals to make a rule book which would tell their stories and guarantee their rights and that of their deities which were violated by the alien invaders. But People in power have changes but things continue to remain the same. “The powers given to the Executive Officer, are the administration of the Temple and its properties and maintain these in a secular manner. Hence, the rights of the petitioners are not at all affected or interfered with, in any manner whatsoever the aim and reason behind the appointment of the Executive Officer is not for removing the petitioners who call themselves as trustees to this Temple.” [6]. The State through their modern Lords of Democracy could effectively see secular activities in a religious place and then declare the bifurcation of activities related to Hindu Deities and indulged in categorization of activities. The Lords of Democracy then gave sermons from the Mount Supreme Court is what can be termed as Principle of Good for Hindu Institutions and Harmful to Judicial Institution (GHIHJI). Also, in the previously articles we have seen how other arms treat the Hindus and today we shall see how the Lords the Democracy, Guarantors of Fundamental Rights treat Hindus in manner that befits the ancestry of the State.
Why I say that the Principle of GHIHJI exists because when the State tried to do the same with respect Lords activities as non-critical to independence of Judiciary and critical to independence of judiciary, all hell broke loose. The super devotees of the Lords of Democracy quickly took arms in the name of their True Lord and restored the Dignity of the modern-day Lords of Democracy claiming that any interference by the State would be dangerous to their powers which were usurped through the Constitution given by the Hindus. The Lords have stated that “…. The contention that even if Amendment is held to be void, the pre-existing system cannot be restored has no logic. In exercise of power of judicial review, a provision can be declared void in which case the legal position as it stands without such void provision can be held to prevail “[7]. Such a kind gesture was never given to Hindus in any crucial matter but they have given themselves. They not only cancelled an amendment passed by the representatives of Hindus, the Lords have allowed a situation convenient to them to continue until the end of times. It has almost become a Constitutional Impossibility to change the ways of the Lords of Democracy unless the citizens come to the street and force the State to show its might and restore the balance of powers. These attitudes of the Lords of democracy are dangerous to the freedoms of common citizens because they have to work within the limits imposed by the Lords who claim to be Guarantors of Fundamental Rights. One must wonder whose Fundamental Rights are guaranteed by the Lords. In the numerous issue we discussed here and in the previous articles, the Lords of democracy have never given respect to the issues of Hindus and the adverse status was allowed to prevail until a finality was allowed to be achieved [8]. These actions raise too many questions and the Lords are not willing to listen because they are not doing the introspection and course correction.
In the words of Dr. Radhakrishnan “A society which puts a halo of sanctity round its tradition gains an inestimable advantage of power and permanence” [9]. No tradition or act must be beyond question and this point is duly followed by the Lords of democracy using the “essential practices test” and turning them into secular or non-essential acts in Hindu matters alone. The question that must be asked to the Lords of Democracy is whether an agent of State created by Creature of Constitution can ever function in a truly secular manner inside a religious institution? The joke is not lost on Hindus. This kind of complexities are very difficult to the Abrahamic lens wearing State and Lords of Democracy. It is a contempt to put motives to the individual Lords of Democracy regarding the justice delivered but dissent and analysis of any justice delivered must be the natural right of every citizen and must pass the values and morals of the society too. The Lords of Democracy must not consider themselves out of the natural scope of the society they live. While everyone must respect the Institution of Lords but the to keep its sanctity it should not be allowed to usurp the powers which were not given to it. The Lords of Democracy have been using the powers granted to it by the Hindus through the constitution to enter into areas which were never intended by the citizens. The ideas of Institutional independence and the Article 142 of Indian constitution are really at logger heads and are breaking up the Democracy by the Cancerous growth of powers of Lords of Democracy. Only Hindus have the ability to give up their freedoms for the greater good of the society but Lords of Democracy donot want to give up the territory they have illegally occupied using Article 142 which states that “the Constitution allows the Supreme Court to pass any order necessary for doing complete justice in any cause or matter pending before it” [10]. There is no creature of constitution within the existing structure that can say to the Lords of Democracy that they are indulging in institutional secrecy, nepotism, corruption and their actions are becoming very toxic to the lives of Hindus. The only way permitted to is to plead, beg in front of the Mount Supreme Court or to display the violence potential on the streets and make the State to project its true powers with respect to all other Creatures of Constitution. When the State decides then it can make the Lords of Democracy the reality and drill sense into them but it requires tremendous expenditure which may not necessarily be financial but something else which is a highly guarded secret to many citizens.
Dr. Radhakrishnan also states that “The worshippers of the one jealous God are egged on to aggressive wars against people of alien cults. They invoke divine sanction for the cruelties inflicted on the conquered. … Wars of religion which are the outcome of fanaticism that prompts and justifies the extermination of aliens of different creeds were practically unknown to India. Of course he and there, there were outbursts of fanaticism, but Hindus as a rule never encouraged persecution for unbelief. Its record has been a clean one, relatively speaking. It has been able to hold together in peace many and varied communities of men. … Hinduism insists on a moral life and draws into fellowship all who feel themselves bound to the claims which the moral law or dharma makes upon them. Hinduism is not a sect but a fellowship of all who accept the law of right and earnestly seek for the truth. …. “. With full knowledge about the peaceful nature of collective Hindus and the violent nature as broken society in caste groups. The State always gauges the caste groups more than it gauges the mood of the Hindu collective and then allow the Lords to infringe on the rights of the Hindus without opposing and remained a mute spectator. Remaining mute while the responsibility is to side with the Hindus means that the State is complicit in the troubles faced because of the Lords of Democracy. For protecting the interests of some citizen groups, the State was more vocal and proactive. Dr. Radhakrishnan words were selectively used by Lords in the justice given in Rama Temple and the quotes used was “to many Hinduism seems to be a name without any content. Is it a museum of beliefs, a medley of rites, or a mere map, a geographical expression?… Having posed these questions which disturbed foreigners when they think of Hinduism, Dr Radhakrishnan has explained how Hinduism has steadily absorbed the customs and ideas of peoples with whom it has come into contact and has thus been able to maintain its supremacy and its youth. The term “Hindu”, according to Dr Radhakrishnan, had originally a territorial and not a credal significance. It implied residence in a well-defined geographical area. Aboriginal tribes, savage and half-civilized people, the cultured Dravidians and the Vedic Aryans were all Hindus as they were the sons of the same mother. The Hindu thinkers reckoned with the striking fact that the men and women dwelling in India belonged to different communities, worshipped different gods, and practiced different rites” [11].
As an individual, my problem with usage of any paragraph in with Aryan-Dravidian is present means that the persons using those phrases are treading very dangerous path. The lack of introspection and course correction is obvious because large amounts of evidence debunk the Aryan invasion Theory. The theory itself was more likely a propaganda tool used by colonialists to claim their racial superiority and sanctify their right to rule over the savages. Dr. Radhakrishnan cannot be faulted on this matter because when he said the above words, the facts were not fully discovered and the facts today are very different. As a constitutional creature, the Lords of Democracy using these half-baked truths in current judgements or referring to these quotes is a huge problem. The Lords are giving sanctity to a highly dubious claim. GHIHJI principle applies here as well and they selectively apply the colonial principles to put Hinduism in poor light. If the Aryan theory is sanctified by stating them in judgements, then will the Lords of Democracy accept the superiority of Brahmins which is claimed by the Colonialists although with a twisted logic. Even the brahmins donot claim any superiority except for a few but if a claim is ever made then the Lords will be on fire. Will the Lords of Democracy hear Hindu voices when Hindus scream that they want the criminals who commit rape and heinous crimes be given maximum punishment, the answer would be no. The Lords are very considerate and donot consider all rapes as rarest of the rare and allow the reform of the criminals who might even be repeat offenders.
The modern-day Lords of Democracy have become the protector of the State and some citizen groups rather than being the protector of all citizens. The proof of the intentions of the Lords of democracy is found when some statements are found repeatedly laws. “No suit, prosecution or other legal proceeding shall lie against the Central Government or the authorized person or any of the officers or other employees of that Government or the authorized person for anything which is in good faith done or intended to be done under this Act” [12]. The Lords of Democracy find nothing unconstitutional in the said statement but at the same time considers ordinary citizens are unqualified to do anything with good faith and be left alone in matters related to their own temples and their deities. For the Lords of Democracy, the basic assumption is that, the criminals can only be from the citizen class and never the Class of State Agents. It is for this reason, we see the State continue to protect the members of its community and acts with least accountability whenever possible. The State and its members are duly protected by the Lords of Democracy forming a complete loop with some citizen groups inside the loop of protection, Hindus out of the protection loop and a very few at the boundaries of the protection loop. As an individual I am always thinking if the protection loop be called protection racket or something else. The specific statement make the functioning of the State completely individual centric and not institution centric. When a highly committed individual holds offices that he can exert a large amount of influence expending all his power and then the State will bend a tiny bit to perform the tasks assigned by the politician and when weaklings come, they are crushed and overwhelmed by the use of rules, regulations and the regular red tape. A simple example will be the case of Hindus paying enormous amounts of money to make sure that their children are taught complete lies through the school books and the person in charge proudly claims that he was just bent and crawled in front of the State [13].
We have seen how the Lords of Democracy have ensured that their Powers are protected even from the citizens for eternity. The Deities who are the source of power for the Hindus are being made to beg in front of the new Lords of Democracy and the rights of worshipper of the Hindu Deities are trampled and saying that the Deities and worshippers need to be constitutionally civilized. The Lords of Democracy cannot be blamed because their ancestry even more toxic. May be the Lords thought that their benevolence is not appreciated by the Hindus in appropriate manner and thus they are trying to tell the Hindus that they are mightier on the Mount of Supreme Court than the numerous Deities housed in the various types of temples. Whenever a Lord of Democracy uses a colonial narrative to come to a conclusion and to show a Hindu in poor light and takes the rights of Hindus and Deities, one thing should be understood “The Lords believe in the GHIHJI”. The Lords of Democracy cannot tolerate almost non-existing discrimination in Hindu society only but would consistently discriminate against other Constitutional Creatures by usurping their rights using extraordinary powers vested in the constitution. The Lords of Democracy will tell Hindus how to conduct themselves in a democracy and will act upon any citizen who questions their actions. The Lords do their all acts giving the power to dissent and abuse all other creatures of constitution proclaiming that dissent is the safety valve of democracy. By giving sanctity only to themselves, the Lords of Democracy have become Monsters of Democracy and the State has become merely a servant of Lords in ordinary circumstances. The dangerous game play going between the State and Lords of Democracy has ensured that the biggest victims are the Hindus. Whenever there are victims, a new creature will come and happily serve the alphabet soup and both the State and Lords of Democracy are happy at the servings given to Hindu victims.
We cannot blame the Politician because he is mostly clueless except for rare exceptions and the Lords are happy in their own worldly matters inventing now tools and means to gain more powers. The Hindus have to increasingly spend enormous resources to garner the attention of the Lords of Democracy because the State has given up pushing Hindus to fend for themselves in matters related to their Deities. But the State is happy to use the crutches provided by the Lords of Democracy to manage the secular affairs of religious place. In a constitutional scheme of things, it can be called Constitutional famine created and perpetuated by the Lords of Democracy with the help of State. In times of famine, the source of food is provided by other agents called the Alphabet Soup. This soup is given to even the State and Lords of Democracy and everyone has become addictive to it except the Hindus. But Hindus who were happily consuming it for a while are in deep trouble because of the loss of their institutions. In the next part we shall see how the State and Lords of Democracy helped in greater serving of the Addictive Alphabet Soup to Hindus.
Picture Credit: DD News
Author: Vijendra Bhat can be reached on Twitter
Other Articles in this Series:
1. Temples vs Hindus: http://c2c.news/2020/07/18/templesvshindus/
2. Deities vs Hindus: http://c2c.news/2020/07/21/deities-vs-hindus/
3. State vs Hindus: http://c2c.news/2020/07/23/state-vs-hindus/
[1] Midnight Hearings: Some examples of the activities of the new Lords of Democracy and their treatment for special class of citizens.- https://www.theweek.in/news/india/2018/05/18/midnight-knocks-at-the-supreme-court.html
- https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/politics-and-nation/maharashtra-case-third-special-hearing-on-non-working-day-in-2019/articleshow/72208194.cms
- https://caravanmagazine.in/vantage/yakub-memon-ate-night-hearing-supreme-court-left-several-questions-unanswered
- https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/how-congress-laid-groundwork-for-midnight-supreme-court-hearing-against-karnataka-governor/story-2wf8ddnbcqB52gN3grjxnJ.html
- https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/before-5-30-am-hanging-lawyer-for-delhi-rape-convicts-knock-on-supreme-court-door-to-stop-execution/story-IAIRO1oO3wOzsoSuzaO4IL.html
- https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/for-yakub-memons-final-plea-hearing-in-supreme-court-at-2-30-am-1201920
- https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/et-tv/supreme-court-turns-down-plea-seeking-urgent-hearing-on-jallikattu/videoshow/56494657.cms?from=mdr
- https://www.timesnownews.com/india/article/sabarimala-supreme-court-defers-urgent-hearing-on-temple-verdict-women-entry-shrine-travancore-dewaswom-board/296458#:~:text=New%20Delhi%3A%20The%20Supreme%20Court,the%20Sabarimala%20Temple%20in%20Kerala.&text=The%20review%20petition%20filed%20by,or%20rationale%20reasons%20or%20logic%E2%80%9D.
- https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/politics-and-nation/temple-order-high-court-refuses-urgent-hearing-to-rti-activist/articleshow/51729744.cms?from=mdr
- https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/winning-an-olympic-medal-on-dahi-handi-plea-supreme-courts-comment-1449539
- https://www.news18.com/news/india/sc-declines-to-modify-cracker-ban-order-says-dont-give-it-communal-colour-1545271.html
- https://indianexpress.com/article/cities/delhi/rajbala-died-in-stampede-not-police-action-delhi-police-to-sc/
- https://www.indiatvnews.com/politics/national/plea-in-sc-for-probe-gajendra-singh-hanging-during-aap-rally-28690.html
- https://www.indiatoday.in/india/story/sc-notice-to-centre-on-plea-of-mothers-of-rohith-vemula-payal-tadvi-1601185-2019-09-20
- https://www.deccanherald.com/national/sunanda-pushkar-case-delhi-police-tells-high-court-it-did-not-rely-on-her-tweets-861485.html
- https://www.outlookindia.com/magazine/story/a-decade-of-pain-dies-with-him/299896
- https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/supreme-court-upholds-constitutional-validity-of-scst-amendment-act-2018/article30780857.ece#:~:text=The%20Supreme%20Court%20on%20Monday,of%20the%20Dalit%20protection%20law.&text=The%20original%201989%20Act%20bars%20anticipatory%20bail.
- https://www.aninews.in/news/national/general-news/govt-to-bring-ordinance-to-overturn-sc-judgement-on-reservations-in-higher-educational-institutions20190305191420/
- https://www.dw.com/en/india-overturns-bull-wrestling-ban-in-response-to-massive-protests/a-37225694
- https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/Supreme-Court-upholds-RTE-Act/article12960710.ece
- http://mattersindia.com/2019/05/supreme-court-stays-judgment-on-christian-nuns-priests-missionaries/
- https://taxguru.in/income-tax/tds-not-deductible-salary-nuns-fathers-priests.html
- https://www.newindianexpress.com/states/andhra-pradesh/2019/nov/25/priest-asks-why-governments-impose-taxes-only-on-hindu-temples-pawan-kalyan-shares-video-2066644.html