The reconstruction of the home of Bhagavan Shree Rama in Ayodhya in our life time is an indication that all the living Hindus have done some good in their past lives. There are 40,000 known temples that were destroyed by invaders and non-invaders. Most of the temples which were destroyed for religious purposes are still under the possession of the followers of the ideologies of invaders. The rulers have always tried to restore and reclaim the destroyed by the aliens. The alleged secular rulers never stop the destruction of Hindu symbols, culture, traditions, temples, etc. but very rarely provide support in the efforts of reclamation, restoration and glorification. Instead of giving back the destroyed temples, the rulers of modern times have been taking away the wealth of the deity for a variety of unintended purposes. The superficial talks about unity and secularism have become music to some individuals. For many Hindus the litmus test for unity and secularism will be the return of Hindu temples and the deities’ wealth.
The reconstruction efforts of the temple at Ayodhya has succeeded after 5 centuries and after countless sacrifices. Hindus must remember great achievements will need a heavy price and nobody will offer them a victory if the violence potential is not maintained. Pacifism will destroy every society and thus offensive and defensive capabilities are needed. Recently I heard a statement which is true in every sense, “The person using offensive tactics must succeed only once and the person using defensive tactics must succeed every time”. For the offensive or defensive tactic, there will be a price which needs to be paid. We are paying the price in the case of China and Pakistan by being more defensive than it was needed. Times are changing for good and the sparks of success of reclamation the efforts of Hindus have begun to burn away the dangerous forests of confusion in the minds of Hindus.
Rama Rajya is the Rajya where Dharma is firmly established. Shree Rama has ensured that Dharma is upheld in his rajya by being an adherent follower of Dharma and lead his people from the front. What is good for one person may not be good for another person and what is good for an individual may not be for a society. There are several contradictions about Dharma and what is to be upheld. But history tells that Shri Rama had established Dharma in his Rajya and many kings wanted to set up Rama Rajya during their respective times in their kingdoms. That is why it is said “Ramo Vigrahavan Darmaha”. Living in Kaliyuga and witnessing the reconstruction work of Shri Rama’s house in Ayodhya, it will be difficult to understand what it is to live in a Rama Rajya? The answer is the same as living in a Hindu Rashtra. But in the today’s terminological terrorism, the Hindu haters have abused the concept of Hindu Rashtra to such an extent that some people are equating it with the governance in the zones controlled by religious despots and dictators. But the governance by religious despots and dictators are a source of great hope for the followers of the religion/dictator and are always hoping for it as long as they stay out of it. Once inside the kingdom of a religious despot or a dictator, these individuals will be the first ones to flee for greener pastures at first opportunity.
Why would I say Hindu Rashtra is Rama Rajya? A Hindu way of life can neither be codified into one holy book nor covered by a constitution. Hindu way of life is an ethical life with respect to nature, society and fellow beings. Hindu Rashtra is a rashtra where every Hindu has freedom to practice his rituals and his traditions without the interference from aliens and their agents. In a Hindu rashtra, schools/teachers funded by the Hindu taxes do not mock the Hindu customs, traditions, Kings, brave soldiers, etc. The Hindu rashtra will allow mocking of everything by individuals who live their lives without depending on the rashtra. The rashtra should not give additional protection when reverse mocking or questioning takes place. The rashtra will be responsible to implement the rule of law in a fair manner without any partiality. A Rashtra which provides freedom of thought and allows the practice of Hindu systems is a Hindu Rashtra and this is what Rama Rajya means. Wherever Shri Rama went he did not impose his will on the people but accepted the people with their diversity but never allowed Adharma. If Adharma was practiced by any individual, he was punished in the most appropriate way.
The modern-day India is truly a Ravana Rajya where nobody can question Ravana. Questioning the actions of Ravana will lead to death or serious losses to life, wealth, etc. It must become clear to one and all who is the Ravana of our modern times. Hindus have only set up the house of Shree Rama and are yet to live in his rajya, it is important to establish Hindu Rashtra. Extraordinary efforts are needed from the Hindus to achieve the end goal of establishing a Hindu Rashtra and only then we can live in a Rama Rajya. Hindus must never forget and must never lose focus about the end goal and a long-term vision for the community must be developed. There must be a memory of the loss of Hindu Rashtra and plans to reclaim the Hindu Rashtra. If Hindus sleep, then the Ravana Rajya will strengthen. The size of Ravana Rajya is only increasing with each passing day because of too many individuals with capability sitting on the fences. The life of a Hindu is becoming difficult in the Ravana Rajyas. Every Hindu must seek the blessings from Shree Rama in Ayodhya to instill in each one us, the strength and courage of our ancestors to uphold what is right and reclaim all the good that was lost. Hindu Rashtra should be the goal. Those opposing Hindu Rashtra are clear in their goals and are ready with plans. Hindus should really wake up and seek blessings of Shree Rama in Ayodhya because it will be source of inspiration and proof that the reestablishment of Hindu Rashtra is possible.
Author: Vijendra Bhat can be reached on Twitter