The price of mocking the SupremeJokers is set at Rs. 1, when the individual was a SupremeJoker influencer. This goes against Hindu ethics because a powerful individual’s mistake deserves stronger punishment and a weaker individual’s mistake deserves a smaller punishment. As a Hindu Upper Caste Male Brahmin citizen, I can never be a equal citizen to more than 70% of the citizens with respect to the rights guaranteed by the National Holy Book. My privileges are the mockery by the 70% citizens who are privileged under the secular auspices of the SupremeJokers. The SupremeJokers are repeatedly outdoing one another with their moral deprivation now out in the open. In such scenario, the price that the SupremeJokers should extract from a very ordinary Hindu citizen in a hypothetical scenario can be at best 1000 times, the price extracted from a SupremeJoker Influencer. Hence, I have kept aside Rs. 1000 to pay to the SupremeJokers if they feel aggrieved by my words. In any case, freedom to mock Hindu Gods is a fetish sanctioned by SupremeJokers on numerous occasions while kissing the feet of some others. Before the interview of SupremeJokers is started, the context is important because SupremeJokers have been bending over backwards and now their heads are in their own backyards and they feel their own stink is the global perfume. Dear SupremeJokers, your backyard is blocked and you are constipated and you need to clean the shit out of your system. The words appear very vulgar, but the actions of the SupremeJokers are no less outrageous to a citizen whose rights are trampled by the SupremeJokers day in and day out in the name of Perverted Morals.
SphereHead: Hello SupremeJokers
SupremeJokers: How dare you call us by names, that were not sanctioned by us? You should be buried in a pit full of ants and snakes or locked up in a room for ever.
SphereHead: But locking up is only an exception and freedom to peddle filth is the right of every criminal and I am trying to be a criminal here. Please donot get upset, respected SupremeJoker.
SupremeJokers: What the hell? Do you not understand that we decide what should happen and the way things should happen? You are just a slave of our morality and should tread with caution because we decide the boundaries of morality depending on the instant fetish and fantasy that we have on a given day.
SphereHead: So, your rules are not same and keep changing all the time.
SupremeJokers: Change is the only constant and we love to play games with people. We love to keep pathetic low lives like yourself guessing about the price you have to pay or upsetting the most powerful beings in the nation. One day, we say that you may have to pay Rs. 1 and on other occasions we decide that you have to pay 10 years of your life for the same actions. This gives us the special status in the banana republic where everyone is busy for the next meal and toilet break.
SphereHead: As a SupremeJoker you have become more anti-citizen.
SupremeJokers: Being anti-citizen is less important than being anti-Hindu because Hinduism and our fantasies cannot go hand in hand. Hinduism needs to be demolished and reformed beyond recognition. I love that placard photo. What a truthful statement and nobody got offended by it. What a beautiful statement it was.
SphereHead: But you declare some media programs are dangers to the peace and harmony that prevails in the society.
SupremeJokers: Yes, only those programs that advance the agenda of destroying the Hinduism are good for the society because our secret fetish and fantasy is to see Hindusim reformed into a corpse and then discussed in wine flowing conferences about how glorious it was. A dead culture is a glorious culture. Dead cultures need to be appreciated by the most intelligent, most honest and most worthy individuals to ever walk on this planet.
SphereHead: Who are those special glorious individuals?
SupremeJokers: You are missing the point. I am the most intelligent, most honest and most worthy individual to ever walk on this planet.
SphereHead: You have gone crazy.
SupremeJokers: You are casting aspersions which may harm the faith of citizens on the institution.
SphereHead: Do citizens have any faith after seeing all your antics and perversions. They donot have any faith in this institution and because of a lack of suitable alternative they keep coming to you offices. The citizens of this banana republic know that your fantasies will be implemented even though your words were spoken in morally inebriated state to satisfy your perverted ego. Your ego is satisfied when you trample on the rights of Hindus.
SupremeJokers: That sounds very heartening and the feedback from lowly citizens is heartening to hear in original voice.
SphereHead: What is the reason for your recent outbursts against Hindus?
SupremeJokers: It is a itch that no amount of scratching will give satisfaction. In reality, some Jokers have given hope of equality to Hindus and it is a crime against our Joker Morality. Hence as a defender of the powers of SupremeJokers I had to set right the house in order and make a course correction so that my brothers donot cross the line once again. I was only doing repair works for the damage already caused and I have to do it many more time to bring a sense of relief to the affected Privileged Citizens of this banana republic and also to mutual respect and trust among the Joker community.
SphereHead: So in the coming days, we will witness many more fantasies and fetishes flowing out from your offices.
SupremeJokers: My office My fetish and My fantasies. Morally superior over everything.
SphereHead: You should be removed from your job.
SupremeJokers: Nobody can even scratch even the mosquito that drinks my blood because I am THE SUPREMEJOKER, with infinite powers to trample the RIGHTS of those WHO DONOT ACCEPT HINDU ANNIHILATION.
SphereHead: Why only Hindu?
SupremeJokers: Because it needs to be destroyed for the light to shine and pull the citizens from the clutches of darkness.
SphereHeaad: That’s very revealing respected SupremeJoker.
There was a smirk on the face of SupremeJoker as the interview concluded. The banana republic has a monkey amongst it and the bananas will be completely consumed by the monkey and in the end neither the monkey will survive nor the republic. The republic has created a monster which is usurping all the powers into itself and will continue to devour the nation. The infinite powers that exist are always used for the purpose of destruction of Hinduism. How long the fight will continue is anyone’s guess? A side with infinite reserves and time cannot be defeated unless the rules of the game are changed. The SupremeJoker must be told that his jokes are not funny and the monkey must be caged or put into the forest it belongs away from the peaceful society. Time for Hindus to think about the monkey and also the SupremeJoker.
Note: This is an article of pure fantasy of the author. Any similarity to anyone living or dead is coincidental and as declared the maximum punishment cannot be more than 1000 times the fees paid by another individual in similar context. A test case for Morality of SupremeJokers
Image Credit: https://batman-news.com/2018/07/20/rumor-joker-story-details-and-his-real-name-revealed
Author: Vijendra Bhat can be reached on Twitter