When we go out and look around, in many places, there seems to be no fear of the pandemic and people are going on about their personal businesses. It may be the case that there is no pandemic at many local levels. The wokery of the government in concealing the information about the profiles of the patients has turned everyone blind to the effect of the pandemic. In the first wave, most of the information seekers had some clue about the kind of people getting infected and the behavior of the infected groups. The secularism and wokery of the government officials have blocked the information and made the government and the public blind to the implications of the pandemic. If the profile of the patients is known, then the public would make conscious efforts to avoid the particular kinds of people, people from particular localities. Some precautions would have been taken by the public, but the blind public will think that the cases are coming at random and there is no specific identity and hence there is nothing that can be done.
Masking-up is only a shield but the blinding the public is a knife stabbed from the back. The public is then let out in the open and the calls for fight against the pandemic will only be a cruel joke played on the citizens. Not to be outdone by the government, the Wise Guys have been partaking in the comic show with various harassment techniques by discussing the pandemic control execution techniques. The Wise Guys have now realized that by involving all kinds of Wise Guys will put the responsibility on nobody and thus the decisions are being taken through the holiest of the holy Wise Guys whose decision cannot be questioned and these holy Wise Guys are beyond the Constitutional Scheme of things. The behaviour of various Wise Guys of the Constitution does not instil confidence in the citizens and there is a mad rush for some medicine whose distribution is controlled by the Government itself. The demonetisation joke is replayed. People with good connections have converted all of their cash by colluding with the intelligent bank officials, the critical medicine is hoarded and distributed by the intelligent medical officials and a quick buck is being made. The public are as usual at the receiving end of it.
The only good thing the government is doing is that it is giving the vaccines for free and also allowing free propaganda for vaccine hesitancy. The way the liberal media people are spreading gloom and doom, one thing is clear, we are very close to flip to better times. For 3 consecutive days the stock market was showing positive sign and the howling of the liberals causes the index to drop on the fourth day and now again the stock markets are bullish. The howlers are real powerful individuals and everyone knows who they are, but they cannot be caught and punished. Even the greatest of murderers, fraudsters are given a special consideration by the Super Wise Guys because dignity and right to life is guaranteed by the constitution and is most commonly not guaranteed to the man dying on the streets. This dignity is distributed by the Super Wise Guys based on their whims and fancies depending on who has the most violence potential, money potential and other potentials that are a danger to their safe existence. No proof exists that can conclusively counter the hypothesis that the Super Wise Guys are not reading the law in the manner they should, but are being dictated by some woke species. The Wise Guys are testing the waters and are getting more successful with getting away with all sorts of crimes. They can walk into a private function and slap and abuse the guests because they are sure of the protection given to them by other Wise Guys. India seems to be of the people, by the people and for the Wise Guys.
The collective wokery of the public service machinery has brought us to this state and nobody is willing to stand up to take the failure on their shoulders. Everyone is trying to polish their credentials and want to look good and be in the good books of their admirers. Those who praised PM for controlling the pandemic are now blaming everyone except the PM. Those who put doubts in the public regarding the vaccine efficiency are the first ones to take the vaccine. Those who were squirming in their seats about the low death rates in the first wave and credited everyone else except the PM are now blaming the PM. Some are going to the extent of blaming the public for the pandemic. This is a greatest comedy show in recent times and every individual want to make sure that their leader appears good and no dirt sticks. The efforts are there to throw the muck on all others except their leaders. The Wise Guys are having the last laugh because it they who should be screwed but the leaders cannot live without the Wise Guys. A systemic failure happening during the pandemic will always be a reality and there can be no escape. The unnecessary glorification of leaders and gloomification and doomification of the situation must be stopped by some law. A set of mental health professionals have written a letter in this regard and the government must pay serious attention to this issue. Some kind of norms and broadcast standards must be enforced but that would be a bigger miracle. A coward government which would not enforce one day ban on a criminal TV channel sits in the seat of power at the Center. In some states, the TV channels are abused left right and centre and even then, the government at the Center nor the Super Wise Guys will intervene against the actions of the State governments.
The double standards of the intellectuals of all hues is also very interesting. Until Modi controlled vaccine supply, they wanted it to be decentralized and when it was decentralized, they wanted to be the other way and are blaming Modi for confusion. These intellectuals only want to polish their pet leaders’ credentials and donot care for the public. In times of pandemic, a centralized rational distribution may serve the interests of all. Unnecessary pressure created by various pressure groups will create more chaos and effects of chaos will be felt in many unpredictable ways and places. The silence of the PM is not very positive sign. When things are under control appearing on TV and when there is panic, working behind the scenes is not a sign of a great leader. Even though everyone knows that the PM is working hard and to the fullest extent; the belief in the efforts of the PM Modi to control the pandemic is still sky high. People respect the words of PM and others will find faults in his words. PM must keep addressing the public about the actions and the status of the pandemic on daily basis or at least on alternate days at fixed time slots to keep the morale of various groups of people. A king or a coach must appear to his people and talk to keep the morale but our king seems to have some special thoughts and only wants to do things his way which seemed to have worked and will continue to work. Times will never be the same. What is good for the individual may not be good for the society and the result of this will be known when people judge the performance of Modi government a few decades later.
The harassment of the citizens is very easy but enforcing laws on the media seems more difficult. Curious are the ways of the Wise Guys of the Delhi Sultanate. All the information channels must be regulated to sane levels with true numbers about the pandemic without sensationalized projections. The control could be misused and the rule must be based on the nature of content, imagery and sensationalism. The Super Wise Guys have stopped UPSC JIhad program by one channel but are now blind to the COVID porn broadcast on all the channels, such is the nature of Wise Guys who interpret the laws in unpredictable ways. The hands of the government are full and the information and broadcasting minister is happy doing Modi bhajan and is clueless about the effects of his inaction. May be Modi wants it to be that way, only god knows. The Super Wise Guys also will not intervene because freedom to puke disinformation and hate is a fundamental right guaranteed to special sections of the people. In India, the buck stops at the table of the Super Wise Guys because their actions are not controllable by the Constitution of India but are blinded by the Woke Spell of the global and local woke liberals. There is no proof that the Super Wise Guys are working within the boundaries of Indian constitution laid down by the people of India. The Super Wise Guys have performed beyond their expectations in manners which are beyond the common sense of the people harassed on the streets of Bengal, Delhi and Maharahstra.
Author: Vijendra Bhat can be reached on Twitter