Life & weight, certainly changes with time. This is both enduring & educative. A picture they say speaks a million words.
The allegation is that in the last 10 years only opposition leaders have been arrested by the Modi govt and these are only political vendetta and nothing more. Let’s not argue that point and grant it as true. That does not mean there are no questions that cannot be asked. The problem is nobody has dared to raise these questions and if one raises them, bingo, the allegation is that one is supporting the Modi govt, blinded being a bhakth and unable to see reality etc. The message is – don’t anybody dare ask questions. Only the old eco-system has the wisdom and freedom to ask questions. Those who ask any question that is inconvenient to the old eco-system you become an apologist for the evil, fascist, dictatorial kind of adjectives. But questions must be asked. They will be asked. If folks don’t have the courage to answer and prefer to be belligerent, then so be it. Coming to the events of the last 10 years, the following prominent political personalities have been arrested.
- Satyendra Jain
- Anil Parab
- Nawab Malik
- Anil Deshmukh
- Karti Chidambaram
- Abhishek Banerjee
- DK Shivakumar
- Chandrababu Naidu
- Manish Sisodia
- Jignesh Mewani
- Azam Khan
- P. Chidambaram
- K. Kavitha
- Arvind Kejriwal
Let’s start the questions
- Manish Sisodia was arrested one year back. A SC headed by the CJI Chandrachud has not agreed to give bail. Why?
- Considering that Sisodia was Dy CM under Arvind Kejriwal, it is facetious to assume Kejriwal knew nothing and so above suspicion. Assuming Kejriwal is beyond suspicion, why did he refuse to cooperate with the ED 9 times?
- How come the courts refused to give even Kejriwal anticipatory bail and then extended ED custody?
- When high profile politicians like Chidambaram, Chandrababu Naidu who are well known globally were arrested, why did no foreign country hold immediate press meetings to give official statements? Why were USA, Germany silent?
- When the farmers went on strike, the same courts under the same CJI rapped the Modi Govt on the knuckles were these foreign nations satisfied about the fairness of the same courts?. Today, USA, Germany govts are suspecting the bonafide’s of the same court under the same CJI in the Kejriwal case. Why? Are they giving indirect messages to the court system?
- Why are the American and Germany Govts interested ONLY in Kejriwal while ignoring all other big names in the same case?
- When the head of an officially designated terrorist organisation,
Pannun, a USA citizen was apparently targeted by Indian intel agencies for elimination, the USA govt came down with its complete weight to protect him. But when the same Pannun, within hours of the arrest of Kejriwal gave a video message that his org had donated to the AAP, had obtained promises from AAP of releasing an convicted terrorist Bhullar nobody is asking questions. Why? - The USA govt protects Pannun, allows him to target Kejriwal & AAP, then protects Kejriwal by targeting the judicial system – all in the same breath. What’s the logic here?
- When the USA is asked not to interfere in the Indian judicial system, they raise the issue of funds of Congress being “frozen”. Why is Kejriwal so important or what is the real game here?

It is important to also analyse events of the last 14 years and ask questions. The default position when one asks questions are counter questions about Modi and BJP. Let us accept that the old eco-system is 200% right in their opinion about Modi/BJP – Guilty as charged Milord’s. Let’s get back to the questions.
The entire foundation and platform on which the Aam Aadmi Party and Kejriwal came to limelight was their crusade against corruption in public life, creating a space where the common man becomes the power centre, where free water, power, flow in abundance, where, citizens need not go to the Govt, but the Govt would come to his doorstep. The dream was life will be great and the common man will live like a king. Every corrupt person will rot behind bars and society will be honest. Under AAP and Kejriwal even gods would get lessons about honesty and probity in life.
In the 2010 – 2012 to 2014 period the entire foundation of accusation of corruption was against lower rung leaders of Congress, & Govt systems as articulated by Kejriwal. An entire nation was galvanised by his crusade. BUT….
- In 14 years Kejriwal has rarely invoked the name Sonia & family on corruption. When he does, it is to demand/ dare Modi/ Shah to question/ arrest Sonia. A Kejriwal who publicly called Modi, as the Prime Minister, a coward, psychopath etc. is muted about Sonia and family. Why?
- Kejriwal who did mention the Sonia name (alongside Ahmed Patel) on the Augusta Westland deal, simply went dumb once Christian Michael was extradited to India. Why?
- His core team of advisors in the India Against Corruption group had folks who were a part of the National Advisory Committee of Sonia/ Congress. Nobody objected because the crusade against corruption was a tsunami. But why such folks?
- Kejriwal waved large sheafs of papers, claimed he had truckloads of evidence of corruption against Sheila Dixit, one of the best performing Chief Ministers, elected for 3 terms, but immediately after assuming power demanded that the BJP provide evidence against Sheila Dixit. What happened to those papers you waved Kejriwal?
- Kejriwal one night in 2014/15, swore on his children’s head that he would never take the support of Congress to form the govt and woke up next morning to form an alliance with Congress. Huh!!!
- In between he went to Varanasi and fought an election against Modi when Modi was only a PM nominee, he/his party had not been in Govt in Delhi for 10 years. Why? Why not contest against a Congress candidate even if he didn’t have the death wish to contest against Sonia or Rahul.
- When for 4 years the man’s crusade was against the Sonia led Congress govt in Delhi, the moment elections were announced, the bad boy target was Modi and BJP. Congress were friends he dared not oppose anymore – even if their shadow boxing continued for the public to be entertained. Why?
- The entire anti-corruption crusade was about having a Lok Pal where the public would be judge, jury, executioner. Though Kejriwal could have exposed the entire opposition – including Congress and BJP – after coming to power by tabling the Lok Pal bill, he refused claiming lack of majority. When he did table it, it was in a manner that it would need a constitutional amendment to be implemented and then claimed the entire system was against him. Since then, for 10 years, the word Lok Pal has disappeared from his lexicon. The last time he used this word was in 2018. Why this idea dropped?
- Soon after 2014 when Modi won the elections decisively, his entire anti-corruption crusade was against the BJP and Modi when they had just come to power after 10 years. The previous 4 years of anti corruption crusade against the 10 years of Congress Govt disappeared from the lexicon of Kejriwal & AAP. Why?
- The story then shifted to the Delhi govt not being a real state, he not having the police under his control, and he could not fight against corruption because Modi controlled the police. Seriously? Without Police under the control of Kejriwal, corruption in public life cannot be addressed?
- Once 2019 was also won by Modi, there seemed no point in talking of corruption further. Remember that in his entire political career Modi has been accused of everything possible by the Congress and others except that he is personally corrupt. Kejriwal realised he didn’t have a hope to win on this. He decided to join the opposition camp openly. From Lalloo, convicted officially for corruption by the SC to every other opposition leader, he is their friend, as long as they oppose Modi. Corruption is no longer even mentioned. Why?
- On the Delhi liquor policy, accepting it as most ideal, designed by god himself, logic dictates that Kejriwal as the most honest incorruptible person known to humankind, he lead from the front and continue with it. Instead, the policy itself was dumped. Why?
- When millions are spent with nonstop TV ads on every channel, every few minutes educating the larger world about how everything Kejriwal does is world class within few months (which we shall accept as godly truth), why did Kejriwal not educate the nation about how great the policy was, how the nation and people benefitted? If at all he did find that even god can make some mistakes, he could have set right those errors, but didn’t, why? Instead, the system was scrapped, refused to cooperate with the investigators. Why? If he had nothing to hide, why refuse to meet the ED team?
- Why not be like DK Shivakumar? He stood up like a rock, joined the investigations, no drama and went to court and won. Why didn’t Kejriwal do the same?
- Kejriwal hurled accusations against many politicians, including Arun Jaitley and Nitin Gadkari, both of whom took him to court, where he apologised. As the most honest human being in history why did he not cross check before he made accusations & repeat the same mistake?
- Every political party wants to contest from areas where they can win. But his targets are always border areas. Why?
- There are 28 states in India but his focus from day one was only Delhi, Punjab, Gujarat where the 2 states border Pakistan. States like UP and Bihar are historically reputed as the most corrupt. Yet Kejriwal and AAP do not even set foot there. Why?
- Everybody aged less than 50 are aware of the disaster Punjab faced due to the scourge of Khalistan terrorism aided by Pakistan. It is recent memory, not old history. Yet he openly flirted with the Khalistan elements in 2017, voters rejected him and many in his own party opposed the strategy. Why this strategy in the first place?
- Having learnt a lesson, he continued working hard only in Punjab (nowhere else) and won in 2022. His top leader Chaddha goes to London for eye treatment, gets photographed with a known Khalistan supporting British MP. Their picture is widely shared by the MP. Why are the Khalistan folks eager to publicise their association with AAP? Granting as usual that AAP is beyond suspicion, why give clarifications after objections, rather than declare in advance that nobody must read too much into that photograph? Common sense, no?
- Very strangely the color and design of AAP uniform is changed to resemble the Khalistan design. Granting it as a coincidence, wasn’t any thought given to this when for long this has been an issue, and the Khalistan terror org leader was publicly talking about millions paid to AAP?
- The AAP started with what they called honesty in election funding and sought donations from the public. They published the names openly creating an impression of total transparency. Once the hoo-haa died down and maybe it was felt people were convinced about their transparency, the whole database quietly disappeared. Why?
- Like Rahul who is still like a stuck tape, Kejriwal shouted the Ambani name loudly and then since a decade hasn’t uttered the name even once, why?
- The AAP was supposed to be a party with a difference. Granting that, why didn’t they fight elections independently, oppose everybody including Congress and BJP, given that except Kejriwal and AAP everybody is corrupt?
- Granting that AAP/Kejriwal are next to godliness, holy crusaders against corruption, – over the last 14 years – he has opposed only BJP/Modi consistently. All others are now best of friends. Why?
Go ahead, those who still want to focus on Modi/ BJP – the message here is not to defend Modi/BJP or claim that the Govt is perfect in all ways, but to tell the world at large that by refusing to ask logical questions of those who oppose Modi/BJP, the only people they help are Modi/BJP. The more they refuse to ask questions of their own (opposition), the more they lose because they force their own to live in echo chambers and never improve. The opposition strategy and often the arguments, actively aided by its supporters, is driven by their “hate Modi” and not a well designed strategy to give the voters an attractive option. Abetting suicide here is not a crime.
Author: Ravindra Vasisht
Twitter: @rvasisht

Article republished with permission from Author
Original Source:
Questions – Answers anyone ? (rvasisht.blogspot.com)