Dear Readers I wrote a letter to Hon. Home Minister of India on Dec. 24, 2019. This was keeping in mind violent protests, misleading news, biased news and news traders attempt to create and share content that is not in making a strong India. Government has done a lot and lots need to be done. Law abiding citizens come from varied background and from every corner of country. Each one can contribute in some way. Hence, the need to publish the letter and earnest request to take your support and take this issue of news traders to a logical end.
This letter is to bring your kind attention to the rampant use of fake and biased news by anchors and journalist from some of the leading news channels and newspapers. Apart from these there are social activists, self declared intellectuals supported by media and liberals, NGO’s, etc. involved in creating unrest in various parts of the nation.
I have also noticed that Editors Guild of India does not practice what it stands for. There are enough of evidence in public domain to support my claim.
What they write on their website and preach while writing letters to your ministry should be practiced. Their recent statement dated December 23, 2019 is nothing less than a request for blank cheque to air and write news even if it results in violence.
Media claims to be forth pillar of Democracy. Some in media have brought disrepute to the profession. They have played havoc in the past and have done the same soon after #CAA was passed. They are openly writing and sharing selective content that leads to violence.
There are judgement from Hon. Supreme Court of India and some High Courts as well on the way media should behave.
The freedom to report is not absolute. The freedom to report news has to be used to serve the citizens and nation, not misuse it to settle personal agenda. Today the nation is at crossroads. We have a very bright chance of growing in every field that we choose to aspire. Media has very important role to play. Media has to share news as it is. Media has to be serving the nation, just like any law abiding citizen and any Men in Uniform. However, if they cross the line in the name of freedom , then exemplary action should be taken without wasting precious time.
Few days back I wrote two articles titled:
Rapist should be hanged, What about News Traders?
Sir, Freedom is priceless and it should be enjoyed and preserved by using it for the welfare of society and nation. The moment it becomes religion specific, pro Pakistan and starts taking sides of Urban Naxals then it needs fitting legal treatment.
Sir, umpteen times we have seen police issuing warning on social media to citizens for spreading rumours. Some citizens do get arrested. But we are yet to see legal action against prominent journalists and news anchors. They continue to do so even at present without fear of law. Apology sounds good for clerical errors but when lives of men in uniform, citizens and property (government and public) is destroyed because of live beaming of terrorists attack or violent protests and provocative prime time debates and headlines in print, apology can’t be the solution.
I summarize my request as follows:
Just like law makers, all journalists, news anchors, company founders and directors should make their fixed and movable assets public on a website indicated by central government. They should also reveal source of income
Media to be brought under RTI
Anyone indulged in fake and biased news, misleading headlines or news debate, promoting violence, in past should be banned from the profession
Time bound enquiry under Media Ombudsman for current and future adventure of people in journalism and exemplary legal action.
I understand this is difficult but not an impossible task. Trust the pointers will come handy to bring sanity to profession and also assist in law and order in the nation.
Feature Pic Credit: Connor D
Author: @ZeroAppeasement on Twitter
2 thoughts on “Excerpts from Letter to Hon. Home Minister of India – News Traders Issue”
Maj Gen BS Panwar, AVSM,SM (Retd)
March 1, 2020Excellent narrative on subject issues. Media should not only be unbiased but transparent too. They must be made accountable for the correctness of their news contents without disclosing source. When found guilty of wrong / inflammatory information., media needs to be punished exemplary. NGO s must specify their ambit & should not indulge in any other activity. Their funding must be transparent & should come under auditing process as specified by G O I.
March 3, 2020Thanks Sir