The re-elected Modi government did not expect to face the challenge from the rabid Islamists and the government has surrendered meekly without a fight. In the first term, the Modi government meekly surrendered to the Fundamentalist Church groups without a fight. Modi 1.0 was a free fall down the secular hill and it was only confirmed by the acts of the one selected Christian MP. This time again there seems to be a free fall of the government by the acts of the one selected Muslim MP. Only time will tell how low will the government fall before using the Hindutva plank to win elections? Vikas has ran away from BJP because the newly minted Vishwas is THE THING this time. Vishwas is the new Vikas. The BJP government has been a government of lights, gas and was a sort of Santa Claus because it was something to all the groups individually but was nothing to the Hindus collectively. The Hindutva Trumpet is selectively used to make enough noise to grab attention and emotionally guide the people to vote. The Mullahs and Padres are much better because they use it overtly to guide their flock in a particular direction.
Flogging the dead Nehru is of no use until the dead Gandhi is also flogged because it was the fascist Gandhi who imposed the bigot Nehru on the nation. If the un-debated deities of freedom movement are not discussed threadbare then Nehru flogging will only yield diminishing returns. People are tired of seeing the 303 party beating around the bush and blaming everything under the sun except their incompetence of using the power given by the people to reform the systems. A bigoted minister proudly claims that the he has safeguarded the system from reforms and has pledged his allegiance to the system and not the people and yet in the name of Modi when tables and chairs can get elected such MPs are making their way into the parliament. The BJP MPs are dutifully doing bhajans of Modi because they know that if Modi is flattered then all else is forgiven. The awards seem to have blinded Modi about the real intentions of the ideologies that run the governments which are funding the awards. This is a different matter altogether.
When Vishwas is the elephant in the room, then Hindutva will be flushed down the drain. Vishwas hates Hindus because they do not simple believe but question too much and demand too many things. People of Vishwas can be dealt easily because of the nice bargaining structure that exists. The hunt for the votes that would never come has started when Modi 2.0 has bowed to the discriminatory constitution as if it is some sacred commandments. May be the alleged mahatma, karma yogi and what not Modi want to convert Indians into people of the book and him being the prophet. Nobody can say the intentions of the most powerful persons. I wonder if the IAS officers also bow to the service rules and the Judiciary bows before the constitution. Strange behavior by 2.0. A set of people are already singing bhajans even for such a retarded act. I may also be wrong. There is no inherent wisdom in the constitution which can benefit the hindus but there is more wisdom in the debates that lead to the creation of the book which are rarely used. The discriminatory constitution got more respect from 2.0 than the cows which were supposed to be protected by the people in power. May be pigs deserve more condemnation because of its special status in relation to people who are close to the heart of 2.0.
The actions of great people cannot be understood by ordinary people, said some great men of high wisdom. But in a democratic setup an elected person is never greatest person around and is neither sacred nor is to be turned into some deity. In the democracy every individual is sacred and their protection is the supreme duty of system which the Indian governance system gloriously falters every single time without shame. 2.0 with 303 seem to have started on a wrong foot with poor massaging from a particular Muslim MP and the cowardice by the police under 2.0 in certain cases. The second term cannot be all Vishwas until the election times and the budget will lay direction and depth of the fall of the government. I think fall would be towards the Vishwas and the 2.0 will never rise for the Hindutva.
Picture Credit: Rishabh Lens