Category : Articles

This and That…..

Sometimes more than one event sets off a chain of thoughts, and so this is a short commentary on different topics. G20: Undoubtedly this was the highlight of the year. 100+ events were held across 41 cities in India over a year long period, 220+ meetings were held across 6...

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The SENGOL – Rises after 75 Years

Sengol gets its name from the Tamil word 'Semmai', meaning righteousness. The sceptre is a historical symbol of Independence as it signifies the transfer of power from the Britishers to the Indians. Measuring five feet in length, this gold coated silver sceptre features an in...

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2000 – The Public Perception

News of RBI on 2000 rupee currency note brought mixed reactions. Common man is damn happy to hear option of systematic withdrawl but looks like some of the opposition leaders are not pleased with the announcement. Printing of 2000 note discontinued in 2019. At present 2000 ru...

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The Maverick

Who doesn’t have fantasies? They take all forms, shapes, sizes and situations. I have had one for long, and before the reader’s imagination runs wild – it is to do with Cricket. A game one has followed and been involved with since 1971.  Though in current times an exc...

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SAVE WATER – #WorldWaterDay

We all have seen and read plenty of #SaveWater campaigns over the last 15 years. Did we put a sincere and consistent effort to save water in our life? The answer could be Yes or No. For the ones whose answer is NO we need to start thinking ways and means to Save Water at least n...

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Budget Memories

This is NOT about the latest budget presented by Mrs. Nirmala Sitharaman or its analysis but a tongue in cheek journey down memory lane. Flashback to almost 50 years and I remember the mood in the house on budget day. It was invariably 28th Feb and the speech would start late...

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A Public Issue – A Spoof

This is a spoof, meant to be funny, not to be misunderstood as a insult or whatever.  It was already 8 in the morning and Putin was still sleeping. He had been up till 5 AM and finally drifted off to an exhausted sleep. But then the news coming in from Ukraine didn’t l...

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The Kashmir Files – Film Review by Sameer

There are some movies that take up an issue and hit the target with the precision of a sniper rifle. Now imagine an assault rifle that doesn’t spray bullets all over but hits multiple targets with the same brutal precision of a sniper rifle in one massive round of heavy duty f...

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Travelogue – Norway

One can be experienced, assume they are intelligent and knowledgeable, and yet make a complete ass of themselves by not thinking through obvious situations. This was my opening batting so to speak way back in Feb’2010 in Norway. I visited Norway for the first time in a new ...

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