Category : Articles

Delhi Riots Expose Duplicity

Certain western media outlets have painted the recent Delhi riots as a “pogrom” against Muslims of India. Even prominent politicians and intellectuals like US Senator, Bernie Sanders and UK Labour MP, Zarah Sultana, were quick to issue statements about the riots being an ant...

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SphereHead meets BlackCoats

At the event horizon of the darkness of the BlackCoats, I the SphereHead meet them for a small talk over a variety of issues concerning the Only True Secular Nation created after the Big Bang. As I walk towards the BlackCoat for the talk, he seems to waving his hand at some myst...

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Defense Industry Part 1 – An Introduction

The strength of a nation is measured primarily economically and to defend that economy a strong military is needed. Fundamental economics teaches you that the pillars of any transaction are land, labour and capital & consequently nations fight over land and deem it essential...

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SphereHead Meets Modi and Shah

In an imaginary world, after a hectic campaigning in the recently concluded elections, one fine morning Modi was done his Surya Namaskar to strengthen himself to withstand the Danda of Pappu. Shah was sipping his Chai nearby and SphereHead was eagerly waiting for Modi to come so...

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Without going into any numerical studies, one thing is clear “BJP has lost power in many states”. BJP polled more votes in various states elections or any other face-saving statements does not hide the fact that BJP is not ruling as many states as it used to do in the recent...

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The single biggest achievement of Modi-Shah due is the Unmasking the traits of a lot of individuals. Most of the Indians have revealed their political ideology one way or the other in the social media. Those who are holding their ideologies close to their heart and putting on a ...

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